In the loop: March 6-10


Student-led Conferences

Tuesday March 7 and Wednesday March 8th

Your child should be coming home in the next few days with a conference confirmation time. I will also post the schedule here on the blog once I have all the forms.


Skating: Monday March 6th, 1-3pm at Trout Lake Rink

This is our last skating day.  Please make sure that you are dressed for the weather! A parent volunteer will drive the gear over to the rink and meet us there.  All students are expected to walk.



Please return the brown report card envelopes from first term as we will use them again for the term 2 report cards going home in early April.  Thank you!


Work Charts

Grade 1:March6-March10_grade1workchart

Grade 2: March6-10_Grade2workchart.docx (1)

Grade 3: March6-10_grade3workchart

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