Trying Something New

I’m sure many of you have shopped online for clothing, for shoes, for accessories and more, but, have you ever thought about buying perishable foods online? Taking a look at Alison’s blog, I found this one blog post very intriguing.

At first thought, there are numerous concerns that come to mind; for example, the quality of the groceries you would receive, the expiry dates, etc…There are pros and cons to having an online grocery shopping place. Both Alison and I wonder if there would there be a large enough demand for this type of service? At second glance, however, this is a supply chain that hasn’t been tapped into often by other grocery stores; this is a great competitive advantage for the company. If the service’s target market is the older generation, it would a great strength. Buying groceries online would be very convenient, and more preferable for elders (or for handicapped people) that have restricted mobility. Alison touched on another strength of the company; buying groceries online has the ability to curb impulse buys that usually happens are grocery stores. Compared to in-store where you can just grab a chocolate bar or a treat on your way to the checkout, online you would have to go find it first, in order to buy it. All in all, I found this blog post really eye-opening and interesting!


Click on these links to:

Check out the Initial blog  that inspired Alison to blog about grocery shopping online.

Try buying groceries online here!

If your curious about Alison’s blog, click here!



 Image Reference:

E-commercefacts. Digital image. Germans Not Yet Ready for Online Supermarket –. N.p.,             n.d. Web. Nov. 2013. <http://www.e-                                                                             >.

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