
2014 Flu Clinic Initiatives

UBC Pharm Sci student immunizes community member.

UBC Pharm Sci student immunizes community member.

Once again this year, our trained and certified 4th year students participated as immunizers for several influenza immunization initiatives across UBC campus during the month of November.

Since 2012, our 4th year students have been volunteering at UBC-wide interdisciplinary flu clinics, working alongside nursing and medical students to immunize UBC staff, faculty, and students. These flu clinics are organized by UBC Risk Management Services and 2 of these clinics took place in our very own building. This year, 116 students immunizers participated in these clinics, and 55 of them were pharmacy students.

Since 2013, our pharmacy students have also participated as immunizers at flu clinics hosted by our Pharmacists Clinic. These clinics target members of the public and individuals on campus who are not receiving vaccinations through the UBC influenza immunization program. The Pharmacists Clinic offered 4 influenza clinics this season, and 22 of our students volunteered as immunizers.

We would like to recognize the following 4th year pharmacy student immunizers who helped to make the influenza campaign another huge success this year:

Pharmacy Student Immunizers

  • Aayusha Koirala
  • Adam Husk
  • Andrea Silver
  • Andy Weng
  • Anthony Lau
  • Ayoung Kim
  • Benton Attfield
  • Brandon Wong
  • Candice Leung
  • Carolyn Wilson
  • Cathleen Wen
  • Christina Park
  • Claire Tai
  • Elisabeth Kwon
  • Emily Barnum
  • Erica Tsai
  • Erika Lee Smith
  • Erin Liebich
  • Esha Randhawa
  • Flora Yu
  • Gary Kwan
  • Gary Tse
  • Grace Hsia
  • Gurvinder Gill
  • Harshan Grewal
  • Ivan Lo
  • Jaspreet Dhatt
  • Jennika Louie
  • Johnny Yip
  • Joshua Cheung
  • Judy Sihyun Lee
  • Jugina Tsang
  • Katherine Go
  • Katie Milbers
  • Kelly Lin
  • Kelsey Swinden
  • Kirandeep Sidhu
  • Lucy Zhang
  • Liisa Stover
  • Lindy Zhu
  • Lisa Leung
  • Lucy Lin
  • Matthew Chiang
  • Matthew Lum
  • Michelle Ng
  • Holly Chen
  • Nasim Hatami
  • Nathan Kellock
  • Nicole Chaudhari
  • Pegah Arasteh
  • Polly Tang
  • Purple Chu
  • Quaid Castle
  • Ranjit Sidhu
  • Robyn Seipp
  • Shari Martin
  • Shari-Lee Martin
  • Shimelis Desha
  • Sonja Senekovic
  • Mary Wu
  • Tegan Graetz
  • Yeonsoo Jo

Special thanks also goes to 3rd year students Nic Jones, Caitlin Sande, Hyung-Chan Shin, and Trishia Sy, who volunteered their time to help out with administrative duties during the flu clinics that took place in our building.

– Kathy Seto, Instructor, Clinical Skills


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