Advice, Current Students, Interviews, Life at UBC Pharm Sci

Sandra Jarvis-Selinger on facilitating change, imposter syndrome, and finding balance

Meet Dr. Sandra Jarvis-Selinger, associate dean, academic. Dr. Jarvis-Selinger commenced here at UBC Pharm Sci in June, and is responsible for leading the academic portfolio. We caught up with Sandra to find out more about her academic background and experiences – and received some great advice in the process.

Sandra Jarvis-Selinger

Sandra Jarvis-Selinger

Tell us about yourself! What did you do before starting at UBC Pharm Sci this summer?
I began as associate dean, academic on June 15 of this year. Prior to that (Friday, June 12), I was the Director of Curriculum in the MD Undergraduate Program and assistant dean, faculty development in the UBC Faculty of Medicine. It was quite a shift being comfortable and knowledgeable in one role on a Friday and then being in a brand new role on Monday. In my early days I felt like an imposter!

Where are you from originally?
I was born and raised in Thunder Bay, Ontario. Having grown up in Northern Ontario, I understood what the Canadian experience was like…cold, snow through the fall, winter and spring, and in the summer – mosquitos. Moving to Vancouver in 1992 changed my definition of the Canadian climate.

What did you study at University?
I had a very storied educational career. I completed a General Bachelor of Arts and an Honors BA in Political Sciences, thinking I wanted to go to law school. I have a Bachelor of Education, Masters of Educational Psychology, and finally finished a PhD in Human Learning, Development and Instruction. So through all of that I consider myself a Developmental Psychologist and (for quite a while) a professional student.

From your ‘professional’ student perspective, what advice would you share with students?
Balance is key. I know professional training programs raise the stakes of what you have to know, the time you spend immersed in learning everything new, and having to make critical transitions from classroom-based through simulation-based, to practice-based learning. But make sure you can balance everything you’re being asked to do and everything you want to do. Find time to connect with your classmates, family and friends. Balance what you’re doing now with time to think about where this is leading you. Even decisions that seem small can have big consequences. For example, I thought I was coming to UBC to do a two-year Masters program and would head right back to Thunder Bay. That was 22 years ago.

What are you most excited about in this new role?
I’m excited about facilitating the changes that are happening in our academic programs. I feel as an associate dean my role is to help make change possible, empower people to think differently, and then get out of the way and let it happen. I like being in a position to see success and feel that I can support teams to achieve their goals.

Current students: Every month Dr. Jarvis-Selinger will be sending you a “From the Desk of the ADA” email with news, updates, and advice. Stay tuned for details on an upcoming lunch event.

Teaching and Course Evaluations Reminder
For those of you who haven’t had a chance to complete your teaching and course evaluations yet, we strongly encourage you to complete them. Your thoughts, opinions, and suggestions matter to us.

Advice, Current Students, Interviews, Prospective Students

Pathways in Pharmacy #1: Mark Kunzli, BSc(Pharm)’07, ExecMBA’11

Pathways in Pharmacy is a new monthly series where we’ll learn about different career journeys that began with a pharmacy degree. This month, Mark Kunzli tells us about his journey to, through, from, and ultimately back to UBC Pharm Sci.

Mark Kunzli with his family

Mark (top left) with his family, June 2015. His late father Ken, brothers Matthew and Michael, sisters Kristi and Karli, and his nieces Hazel, Mia, and Rihlynn.

JK: Why did you decide to study pharmacy?

MK: While I’d like to say that it’s because I’ve had a passion for counting by fives and getting yelled at for prescriptions not being covered since I was a child, my path to (and then through) pharmacy was not linear.

After high school, I knew I wanted to pursue post-secondary education but had no idea what to study. I started out taking first-year Arts courses, and, after actually getting 0% on a paper in Sociology, decided that I was better suited to the more black and white world of science. So the following year, I took all first-year Sciences courses – but unfortunately brought my last-minute cramming/writing work ethic with me and my average took a hit.

I went into second-year science without any real direction, and a week into school I ran into a friend from the previous year who wasn’t in any of my classes. I asked what he was studying and he said he was re-taking all his first-year science courses to bring up his average to apply for the BSc(Pharm) program. That was the first time I’d thought of studying pharmacy. My best friend Luke LePage’s dad was a pharmacist, so I had a chat with him to find out more about what I could expect. I was initially attracted by the prospect of a stable job with a good income but the more I learned about pharmacy the more the profession appealed to me. Cliché I know, but I’ve always enjoyed helping people and am a social person, so the opportunity to interact with and build relationships with patients interested me.

Deciding that the third time would be the charm, I re-took all my first-year science courses in order to increase my average and apply for the BSc(Pharm) program. It worked!

JK: Tell us about your first foray into working as a pharmacist.

MK: After graduation I moved to the thriving metropolis of Campbell River, where I worked at Willow Point Peoples Drug Mart for Victor Choo. It was the middle of golf season, and Victor was an avid golfer. After showing me the ropes for a few weeks, he hit the links and I was left to find out what I was made of as a pharmacist. Outside of my clerkships, I hadn’t worked in a pharmacy before and freely admit that I was terrified and completely overwhelmed for those first couple of months. But when faced with the choice to sink or swim, I quickly decided that I’d leave the sinking (of putts) to Victor, and I learned to swim.

There were a few early lessons – like the time I made my first typo on a prescription, didn’t know how to correct it, and thought I’d forever be branded as illiterate by anyone looking at the patient’s PharmaNet profile. I also recall learning the very valuable lesson that some people have surnames that can also be used as first names and that doctors will occasionally write a patient’s last name first without punctuation in-between (are commas that hard to write?!). Thankfully the medical office assistant that received my frantic phone call was gentle when she told me that I was an idiot and I needed to switch the names around.

After a couple of months of almost daily phone calls to other pharmacists for help and getting to know everybody at tech support on a first-name basis, I’d found my way and was promoted to Pharmacy Manager.

JK: What are some key takeaways from this role?

MK: I worked at Willow Point Peoples Drug Mart for almost two years and consider myself incredibly fortunate to have had that opportunity. I’ve always liked the adage “why work hard when you can work smart?” and took a keen interest in streamlining pharmacy operations. I learned the pharmacy dispensing software inside-and-out, mainly through trial and error, but always made sure I understood why things worked the way they did. This gave me much greater insight into how to automate processes, and more importantly allowed me to investigate and help patients when they asked why certain things were covered when others weren’t.

I learned about the impact that drug coverage (or the lack thereof) has on compliance. I focused on finding win-win’s for the patient and the pharmacy, and found that minimizing out-of-cost expense for patients not only increased compliance, but increased loyalty beyond a transactional relationship. In doing so, I was able to earn the respect of both my patients and my physician colleagues while also seeing the business side of the pharmacy do quite well.

While those first few months saw many words (unsuitable for this blog) muttered under my breath, I had an awesome group of co-workers to support me and benefited tremendously from the autonomy I was given by Victor. With the benefit of experience, I realize now that the only words I should have been muttering were ‘thank you.’ I believe that a good working environment is half who you work with, and half what you make of it. I’ve always been very fortunate to work with great people.

JK: You have an Executive MBA in Healthcare Management. Why did you pursue this program and how has it complemented your pharmacy degree?

Executive MBA graduation, November 2011. Mark with his parents Ken and Kathy.

Executive MBA graduation, November 2011. Mark with his parents Ken and Kathy.

MK: Well, as I mentioned, after starting out as a pharmacist I found myself drawn to the operational and financial aspects of the profession. I left my first job in Campbell River to work as a relief pharmacist; starting a company and contracting myself as a locum around the province. I wanted the freedom to pick and choose when and where I worked, as well as the opportunity to learn how different pharmacies are run.

In late 2009 I ran into my former prof, Dr. Wayne Riggs, at an alumni event and inquired about opportunities to get involved with the Faculty again. He suggested I sit down with Dr. Ron Reid to discuss his efforts in bringing pharmacogenomics into pharmacy practice. I met Ron at Timmies and quickly saw the potential of this idea. While my front-line experience working as a pharmacist was enough to understand how genomics could be implemented in the pharmacy environment, I wanted to expand my knowledge to figure out how we could make it happen.

My dad had always suggested I consider studying for an MBA to complement my pharmacy degree. I ran the idea of the Executive MBA in Healthcare Management program by Ron and Wayne, who both encouraged me to go for it. What appealed to me about the program was the fact that it would allow me to continue to work as a pharmacist while studying, and also that I would be studying alongside, and learning from, people from other healthcare disciplines. As I went through the program I found that my view of the world expanded from very pharmacy-centric; to gaining an appreciation of where pharmacy fits into the healthcare system; to understanding how healthcare fits into the economy and society as a whole.

I was able to choose my own topics for MBA assignments. I focused on pharmacogenomics for most of my assignments, working very closely with Ron and Wayne on different aspects of how to bring pharmacogenomics into pharmacy practice. This work helped develop the foundation for my current role, where I work with Drs. Corey Nislow and Ron Reid on projects implementing pharmacist-led pharmacogenomics.

JK: What made you decide to take a different path from community pharmacy practice?

MK: I’m still a community pharmacist at heart! While I’m full-time in my position here at the Faculty, I do take shifts to keep myself up-to-date and able to appreciate what my colleagues are experiencing in the field. In terms of what led me here, it was a series of decisions to pursue what interested me most in pharmacy practice. Don’t get me wrong, I often miss interacting and building relationships with patients, but I’m competitive by nature and thrive on a challenge. In practice, this led to finding ways to optimize processes and seek out ways to continuously improve. This took me from the dispensary in Campbell River, to pharmacies throughout the province, and then into that conversation at Timmies with Ron. It was during that discussion (over our delicious and very reasonably-priced coffee) that I realized that my profession has a unique opportunity to make people healthier through pharmacogenomics. I wanted to contribute in any way I could. My need for a new challenge and continuing desire to give back to the profession led me to take a different path from community pharmacy practice but I wouldn’t be where I am today without Ron’s influence, Dr. Corey Nislow giving me an opportunity to actually do this, and the support of them and many others along the way.

JK: If you could go back and give some strongly worded advice to your pharmacy-school self, what would you tell him?

MK: Geez, my pharmacy-school self probably wouldn’t believe that my present-day self is even real!

Off the top, there’s my go-to piece of advice from Michael Scott, “Don’t be an idiot” ( There are numerous times when I would have benefited from hearing that in pharmacy school.

I think more than anything I’d encourage pharmacy student-me to always learn from failure. My road through school and life definitely could have been easier if I’d learned some lessons sooner, but my failures taught me important lessons and also made me appreciate my successes that much more. Case in point, I failed Ron’s class in pharmacy school (along with 15 of my classmates that year, for the record), and ended up leaving my summer job two weeks early to come to Vancouver and study to make sure I passed the supplemental. Ron walked by me one day in IRC and said “about time you did some studying.” He was right. And now, the topic of that same course that I didn’t understand the value of as a student – pharmacogenomics – is a huge part of my career and hopefully one day soon, my profession. And that same prof is one of my closest friends and most valued colleagues.

Mark and Ron Reid

Mark and Ron, Halloween 2014. You know you’ve been working with someone for too long when…

At the end of the day – do your best, but even when you fail you can learn a hell of a lot from it. Provided you’re not an idiot, of course!

Any questions for Mark? Leave them in the comments or on Facebook.

Mark Kunzli is Project Manager & Associate Director, UBC Sequencing Centre.

Learn more about our programs here.

Current Students, Life at UBC Pharm Sci

Clubs Night: Video + Links

Did you attend PhUS’ annual Clubs Night last Wednesday? We did. Check out the video we made.

Pharmacy Undergraduate Society (PhUS)
Canadian Association of Pharmacy Students and Interns (CAPSI)
British Columbia Pharmacy Association (BCPhA)
Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists (CSHP)
Kappa Psi
Lambda Kappa Sigma (LKS)
Pharmacy Yearbook
Pharmacy Vocal Ensemble
Community Health Initiative by University Students (CHIUS)
Universities Allied for Essential Medicines (UAEM)
Pharmaceutical Science Student Journal (PSSJ)
Rho Chi

Also – some advice and tips on how you can get involved at Pharm Sci, at UBC, and in the greater community.

Advice, Current Students, Interviews, Prospective Students

Carol Kuang on choosing electives, standing out, and scuba diving

Meet our new Recruitment & Admissions Officer, Carol Kuang. Carol joined us at UBC Pharm Sci in August and her goal is to help make applying for the Entry-to-Practice PharmD program as simple and transparent as possible. We sat down with Carol for a chat…

Carol Kuang

Carol Kuang

Tell us about yourself! What did you do before starting at UBC Pharm Sci this summer?
I moved to Vancouver earlier this year looking to get back into the higher education industry after a year-long hiatus trying out private sector recruitment. As it turned out, I really missed working with students so I am very excited to be back promoting higher education pathways.

Where are you from originally then? 
I consider myself a Calgarian, but my hometown is Charlottetown, PEI.

What did you study at university?
I completed a Bachelor of Arts in Economics at the University of Calgary. The bulk of my upper-year electives were in behavioural and experimental economics. It basically shows that economic theories based on rational decision-making don’t actually predict much in the real world. Humans aren’t as rational as we like to think we are.

What are you most excited about in this role?
It’s a very exciting time to be a part of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. With the new program taking off, there’s a lot of great energy in the building and it feels like a good time for me to lay the groundwork for new recruitment initiatives. I am also excited to meet incredibly bright students, and get to know them from the start to the end of the recruitment cycle.

What advice would you share with students who are thinking about applying for the Entry-to-Practice PharmD program?
Educate yourself on the career options in Pharmacy. You’ll be surprised to learn that there are so many different pathways you can take. Having an understanding of the profession, our program, and the academic requirements to get there will help you set realistic expectations. Aside from the required coursework for admission, take electives that you’ll actually enjoy, not ones you think will look “better” on your transcript. Having that balance between academics, hobbies, and extracurriculars will most likely help you to get better grades, and become more well-rounded.

How can prospective students set themselves apart in the application process?
While grades are important, the crucial piece of the application process is the Multi-Mini Interview (MMI). This is your opportunity to stand out and to leave a lasting impression on the Faculty. It’s hard to give specific advice on how to do this, but there are MMI prep workshops out there. Mentally prepare for the intensity of the interviews, and show your confidence.

What do you do in your spare time? 
If I’m not in the office, or out getting my ice cream fix, you can usually find me picnicking in a park, biking/running/walking along the seawall, or scuba diving around Horseshoe Bay and the Howe Sound. By next year, I hope to own all of my dive gear so that I can volunteer as a diver with the Vancouver Aquarium.

What are you most looking forward to this fall?
I am looking forward to experiencing the recruitment cycle from start to finish, and organizing the MMIs!

If you have questions about applying for the Entry-to-Practice PharmD program, or would just like to chat about whether the program is the right fit for you, Carol is the person to talk to. You can join our bi-monthly Q&A sessions on Facebook, book in for an advising appointment, or meet Carol at a Program Information Evening.

Admissions, Current Students, Life at UBC Pharm Sci, Prospective Students

Welcome back + new video series + admissions updates

The leaves are turning, pumpkin spice lattes are back on the menu, and the line-ups for the 99 B-Line are growing longer by the day. It’s the beginning of a brand new academic year.

Exterior of Pharm Sci Building

A very big welcome to all our new and returning students. We’re thrilled to have you here and hope to get to know many of you over the coming months.

We’ll be updating this blog every Wednesday throughout the academic year. You may have noticed a few changes to the layout from last year, and we hope you’ll find this iteration more user-friendly. We’ll also be re-organizing our older posts over the next month or so to categorize content that’s most relevant for prospective students and current students. Hopefully this will make it easier to find the content that’s most useful to you.

A few admissions-related updates
Admissions for the 2016 intake to the Entry-to-Practice PharmD program are now open! We’ve been working on several initiatives to help you decide whether the program is right for you, and to help make the application process less daunting.

1. Join us for a Program Information Evening – either in-person, or via webcast for those of you outside of the Lower Mainland. We have four sessions scheduled between October 2015 and January 2016. You can find out more and register here.

2. We’ll be hosting regular admissions Q&A chats on Facebook in the lead-up to the application deadline in February 2016. Starting next Monday, our Recruitment & Admissions Officer, Carol Kuang, will be on Facebook at 3 p.m. to answer any questions you send through. You can ask a question or follow along with #AskUBCPharmSci. We’ll be sharing a lot of admissions-related content and updates over on Facebook, so make sure to like our page if you haven’t already.

3. You can also book a 30-minute in-person advising appointment with Carol if you need more in-depth advice. The appointment booking form is here.

New People & Places video series
Lastly, we’re excited to share the first episode of a new video series, People & Places, with you today. People & Places is a series of short clips designed to give our prospective students (especially those of you who may not have the opportunity to visit in person) a behind-the-scenes look at some of the different spaces in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Building. In this episode, Dr. Tara Klassen shows us around her fifth-floor lab.

Wishing you all the best for a happy and productive academic year!

Current Students, Life at UBC Pharm Sci

A Summer of Research: Marilyn Sun Shares Her SSRP Experience

Marilyn Sun with her research poster

Marilyn Sun

Marilyn Sun spent last summer doing research with Dr. Tara Klassen’s lab, as part of the Summer Student Research Program (SSRP), and achieved a travel award to attend the 2015 CSPS/AFPC conference in Toronto. We caught up with Marilyn to learn more about her experiences.

What interested you in the SSRP?

I was interested in the SSRP program because it gave me an opportunity to apply what I learned in the classroom. Having come into the Faculty right after my first year, I wasn’t able to get much lab experience outside my chemistry courses. After I toured Dr. Klassen’s lab I became very interested in what she did, such as PCR to micro-pipette. Seeing this, I wanted to try it out and learn more about it so I applied to her lab for an SSRP position.

As many students only look towards the clinical side of pharmacy, ignoring the research aspects, I recommend others to get their hands messy and challenge themselves by trying out research. While it may be difficult, the experience will be rewarding. I found that I grew a lot over the course of the summer and gained a lot of transferable skills such as increased dexterity in my hands and time management.

What was your best memory of the program?

The best memory of the program for me was that every day there were small successes – for instance learning a new technique or having a result come out. Another highlight was the great relationships that I was able to build with the people in my lab. We saw each other as a team and were there for each other. They were consistently very helpful to me and I am very grateful for their guidance and mentorship.

What are you most excited about in attending the 2015 CSPS conference?

First of all I’ve never been in Toronto so I am excited to get to see the city. It is also my first big conference so I am excited to meet the other award winners, meet others from different schools and provinces, network and explore pharmaceutical sciences more. It will allow me to experience other areas of research, including both clinical and experimental.

Current Students, Life at UBC Pharm Sci

CAPSI Symposium on Healthcare Collaboration


Current students, here is a chance to further your education and learn about the future of pharmacy!

UBC Pharmacist Awareness Month and the UBC chapter of the Canadian Association of Pharmacy Students and Interns (CAPSI) will be hosting an event on the topic of Clinical Pharmacists & Allied Healthcare Professionals at 5.30 p.m. on March 18 in the pharmacy building lecture theatre. Dr. Wendy Leong (PharmD, BCPS, MBA) will be joining us to share insights from her unique career path that has been heavily influenced by specialists (MDs and PharmDs). Dr. Leong will host an open discussion about innovative, collaborative team-based practice and encourages questions. This event is recommended for all pharmacy students and other allied healthcare professionals who recognize the importance of interdisciplinary practice. Everyone interested in learning more about the role of clinical pharmacists is welcome to attend!

Discussion topics include:

  • Why does the Canadian health care system & patients need collaborative team-based practice (with interdisciplinary teams) now & over the next 2 decades?
  • What are some practice sites and clinical programs where clinical pharmacists and allied healthcare professionals excel in collaborative, interdisciplinary teams?
  • What makes a good clinical pharmacist (allied healthcare professional)?
  • What makes a good clinical pharmacist valuable to an interdisciplinary team and patients?
  • What does the future hold for you as a clinical pharmacist?
Advice, Current Students

Reaching Out – Campus Resources for Mental Health

Note: If you are in crisis and/or distress and require immediate response, please call 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433).


E-volve – Copyright: Keoni Cabral used under CC 2.0

University can be a stressful place. Having midterms and assignments around the corner, while trying to balance a job, relationships, and your own wellbeing can be tricky! Sometimes that balance can be disturbed and it can be hard to get it back. If you are struggling, please reach out and ask for help. When we are ill with a flu or other health concern, seeking the help of a doctor is not seen as a weakness, but a necessary step to ensure our well-being. Why then, when we are facing a mental health concern, should reaching out for help seem any different? Asking for help is a sign of strength and courage. Here’s a few resources available on campus to use if/when you need to:

UBC Counselling Services – Located in Brock Hall. They have drop in hours all week long and same-day appointments.

“Speaking with a counsellor can help clarify concerns or situations and open up new ways of dealing with them. We offer a variety of services that can help you manage mental health concerns and have the best university experience possible.”

The Kaleidoscope – Kaleidoscope hold weekly meetings in Buchanan D306 on Tuesdays from 5-6 p.m. for the 2014W term. Alternatively there are also meetings in Richmond at the Cambie Community Centre on Tuesdays from 7-8 p.m.

“The primary goal of our initiative is to provide a safe, stigma-free environment for individuals living with mental illness in and around the UBC community.  It will be a place for people to participate in a growing support network where they are able to share their stories with others going through similar experiences, in confidence, without fear of discrimination.”

AMS Speakeasy – Located in SUB 100B, this service is easily accessible and a great place to start the conversation.

“University is an extremely challenging and stressful time for everyone, and Speakeasy was established to provide a non-judgmental, supportive ear for students and faculty members who are feeling distressed. They’re also very good at connecting students with other resources, so if you’re not sure exactly where to turn, but need help, Speakeasy is a great first option.”

UBC Student Health Services – Located at the UBC Hospital. Please call ahead to 604.822.7011 to book an appointment.

“Student Health Service offers a variety of health care services to help you live well, feel good, and achieve your goals. Our family doctors and registered nurses can help you take care of your physical and mental health so that you’re able to have the best university experience possible.”

Sexual Assault Support Centre – Located on the North side of the SUB in room 249M.

“The Sexual Assault Support Centre (SASC) at the University of British Columbia is committed to the education, support, and empowerment of people of all genders who are survivors of sexualized violence.  Through our feminist, anti-oppression framework, we are dedicated to creating a safer university campus.  The Sexual Assault Support Centre serves UBC students, staff, faculty, and people with a connection to the UBC campus.”

Wellness Centre – Open all week long in the basement on the Irving K. Barber library (Room 183).

“The Wellness Centre is a friendly, safe space for you to talk with experienced students about things like safer sex, how to manage stress, and ways to eat and sleep better. Sometimes it’s nice to talk to another student when you have questions about your mental or physical health. Speaking with another student can give you insight into things like how other students manage stress, the best ways to prepare and eat good food on a budget, how to make friends on such a large campus, and where to go if you’d like more help taking care of your wellbeing.”

Are there any other UBC resources that we missed?

– Ivan Yastrebov, Communications and Marketing

Current Students, Interviews

Why Pharmacy? Your Story! – Next Steps

Over the past few weeks we have shared several of our student’s experiences studying at UBC Pharm Sci. We invite you to become a part of the community! Applications for the new Entry-to-Practice PharmD program will be closing on Monday, February 2nd



The application deadline is approaching! Here are the next steps in the admissions process:

February 2nd – Application Deadline

If you are a current UBC Student, you will need to fill out the Change of Program Application on the SSC; former UBC students fill out the Re-Admission Application on the SSC; and new-to-UBC students will need to create an account and complete their application through

The application includes a Personal Profile. The Personal Profile is an opportunity to share your interest in pharmacy, your extra-curricular activities, and referee information. Please note that we no longer require reference letters or PCAT scores.

Once you have applied, you will be contacted by the UBC Admissions Office with further instructions.

Late-March/Early-April – Interview Offers

We will extend interview offers to 300-350 well-qualified candidates.

May 2nd-3rd – Multiple-Mini Interviews (MMI)

The MMI was introduced to our admissions process in 2010. MMI’s are designed to holistically assess applicants. It involves rotating through 10 stations of 5 minutes each. Each station will present you with a different scenario or situation to respond to.

Late-May/Early-June – Admission Offers

Admission offers will be made to the first 224 selected E2P PharmD students.

If you have any questions or concerns along the way, please call (604) 822-0344, or email We wish you all the best with your application!

– Sefanit Habtom, Student Services
