Advice, Uncategorized

Getting Your Motivation Back

Motivation is a curious thing, it has the ability to energize and propel you to success but it can also halt your progress when every last ounce of motivation seems to be drained out of you. How do you get your motivation back?

Rest up

Don’t confuse your lack of motivation with exhaustion. Always remember to take care of your health first! Even those who study or work in the health sector forget this in pursuit of their goals. Motivation and energy levels go hand in hand, and the former cannot reach its full potential without the latter. Did you know that your stress level increases by 14 percent with every hour of sleep lost? Take a stress test here.

Back to the beginning

Revisit your original goals and the passion behind those goals that initially ignited your motivation. You cannot gauge how far you have come without comparing it to where you started. Be proud of the steps you have taken because reflection should not only focus on critique but on appreciation as well. Motivation that comes from within is more powerful than motivation from external sources.

Look ahead

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After you have reflected on your starting point, refocus your mind on the target. Plant out incremental steps that lead to your target so the task is less overwhelming. Remember that the target consists of more than the tangibles obtained. Imagine how you would feel after accomplishing a goal and keep that feeling in mind as a motivator.

Regardless of any method to gain motivation, the most important part is to get started! Don’t dwell on the planning and motivation seeking stages and take the first steps because motivation works in a circular fashion. Motivation propels you towards your goal and working on your goal generates more motivation.

Whether you are studying for your pharmacy exams or working on research, stay motivated by re-energizing, self-reflecting, and re-aligning your goals.

-Vivien Lee, Communications and Marketing, UBC PharmSci


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