Over the next few weeks, we’ll be sharing a series of personal stories and testimonials from Pharmacy students about their experiences studying at UBC Pharm Sci. To learn more about our program, register for the upcoming information session. The deadline to apply for our new Entry to Practice PharmD program is February 2nd, 2015.
“Why choose pharmacy? Besides the fact that pharmacy is a rapidly changing profession offering new and exciting career options, and besides the fact that we have one of the newest and most beautiful buildings on campus (which has even made its way into locally filmed “The Flash”), I chose pharmacy because of the training (both in-class knowledge and technical skills that I apply at work), the great networking opportunities at fun and professional events, and because of the wonderful people in the Faculty.
I currently work as a pharmacy assistant at a privately owned pharmacy, where I shadow practicing pharmacists in the community, and perform technical work. Through the facts and knowledge that I have learned in classes and the communication and technical skills that I continue to gain from lab and tutorial, I have been able to begin to apply some of that knowledge in my work. I am able to see how practice is currently, but also learn about new and innovative ways that we can practice once we graduate and are practicing pharmacists.
Though pharmacy students may sometimes complain about the hours that they spend studying, that’s not all that we do. Currently as a member of the Pharmacy Undergraduate Society (PhUS) Social Committee, I have helped plan fun events such as the PhUS Gala this past November. At events such as these, pharmacy students are able to socialize and network beyond the classroom. Pharmacy is not only an intelligent and professional faculty, but a social one as well.
Lastly, my favourite part of studying pharmacy is the people that I have had the pleasure to meet. My classmates, my professors, and the staff are some of the nicest individuals I have met in my life thus far. Though each entering class of the faculty may seem large and daunting at first, throughout the four years, I know I will have the chance to get to know these wonderful people on a deeper level. Some of the closest friends that I have today are ones that I have met through studying pharmacy.
So why pharmacy? Whenever my family and friends ask me why I chose to make the switch from Science into Pharmaceutical Sciences, I tell them that it furthers my training into a new and rapidly changing field. I tell them that these people are not only smart, but they are great at networking and know how to have fun with events like Gala and at Dodgeball Night. I tell them that I couldn’t imagine going through my studies without the great support of my classmates, professors and the staff of this wonderful faculty.”
– Anna Chen, First Year BSc(Pharm) Student