Thomas More, Utopia (1515)
- Collectivist
- Lack of private property
- Agrarian Rotation
- Hinterland
- No social stratification
John Bellers, Proposals for Raisinng a Colledge of Industry (1696)
- Designed for profit of upper class through Joint-Stock company
- Good living conditions for lower classes
- Education for youth
- Use of Certificates (pay for labour) instead of money
- Company Town
- Complimentary Industries
Claude Nicolas Ledoux, Architecture considered under the reaction of art and legislation (1808)
- Chaux De Fond
- Ellipse
- Central public buildings
- Similar to Panopticon
Robert Owen
- Social Reformer
- Community organized into one large linear building
- Contained all the elements of a city (industry, residential etc.) within one compartmentalized structure
- Proposed a radical new form of social organization in which children (older than three years old) would be organized and raised in cohorts
- Population of 1.200 people
Charles Fourier, The Theory of Four Movements and General Destinies (1808); A Treatise on Domestic and Agricultural Association (1822)
- Phalanstère
- Self Sufficient society
- Organized in townships
- No private property
- Capitalism abolished
Saint-Simon, Of the Reorganization of European Society (1814)
- Anarchist reorganization of society
- Lack of state coercion
- No need for laws or police to oppressively uphold them
- Economy based on industrial associations of independent workers
James Silk Buckingham, National Evils and Practical Remedies (1849)
- Alleviate London population growth
- Joint-Stock Company
- Capitalist
- Population of 10,000 people
- Cured evils of society through temperance
Jesse I thought this was an awesome summary of the class. It might be useful to go into a bit more detail such as to define some things. One thing that I noticed and had to look up was the definition of Phalanstère. Here is the definition that I found in case anyone else was having the same problem and wanted more clarification
Phalanstère: A phalanstère (or Phalanstery) was a type of building designed for Utopian communities and developed in the early 19th century by Charles Fourier. Based on the idea of a phalanx ( which is a rectangular mass military formation), this self-contained community ideally consisted of 1500-1600 people working together for mutual benefit.