A Case for Preserving Class Hierarchies

During this past week in class we viewed Fritz Lang’s science fiction film, Metropolis. In the film, the female protagonist, Maria, predicted that a mediator would bring the ruling and working classes together into one united community. The question that arises then, is what if these two classes did come together? Could an equal system truly be achieved and would the city function better for it?

Personally, I do not think equality can be achieved among these classes because someone, or a group of people, will always feel as though their ideals, problems, and needs are greater than those of others. Even countries that claim to be democratic are never truly representative, there are always more important issues that benefit certain groups of people over the rest. Personal issues set aside, public space problems are never equally favourable for everyone. Whether it be the number of playgrounds or the construction of new highways, people will never truly be happy with the results. If the two sides did come together, would the perpetually oppressed working class revolt and flip the order to become the new ruling class instead? Maybe equality between classes isn’t actually achievable. Perhaps society needs some form of order to be able to function properly and the city runs efficiently within this order. Of course, I’m not saying that there are people who should be considered better than others or that there should be a class system at all, just that it’s possible that humans need to know where they stand in the social hierarchy to function. Knowing their role in society and what they are expected to contribute can serve as a form of guidance to people and may help them live their lives as best as they can.

3 thoughts on “A Case for Preserving Class Hierarchies

  1. I am of the opinion that achieving a classless society is an utopian and somewhat unachievable ideal for the Human race. Since the beginning of time, some people have been natural leaders when other are better at following orders. Although, in light of the election our country just had, and the very small (although raising) percentage of voters who actually get there and vote, I have no other choice then to play the cynical card. Are citizens happy with democracy? Or would we prefer to have a governing body that take all the decision for us? Are we taking our democracy privilege too lightly and forgiving that in some part of the world, people are still unable to express themselves freely? Is the concept of citizen fully understood in our society? The lack of participation, political discourse and involvement makes me feel that we live in a society where a few “elected” members of parliament makes decisions for all of us, with little participations and input from the citizen. With that in mind, are we much different then the people of Metropolis?

  2. Christine is right the idea of a classless society is a very utopian concept and I think that the film metropolis was not trying to say that that’s what we should be striving for. I feel like the point was that an entire city cannot function on the backs of the working class alone. Also that privileged people then and (even now) are very ignorant, and not in the way that we don’t know that there are people who are being exploited for there labour and such because especially in today’s society we know, unfortunately we tend to turn a blind eye to the things that would effect our everyday lives if it changed. For example buying clothing from a store but ‘not knowing’ where that clothing came from. In my mind it’s the same idea as metropolis this kind of system is not sustainable and there will probably be class problems as long as there is humanity but that doesn’t mean it can’t improve in ways. And even if a classless society is not possible it is possible to reach a place where everyone has equal rights as human beings and no one gets exploited by another class of people.

  3. Like everyone said previously, a classless society is definitely a utopian concept but I still think it’s important to try and continue to try and think of ways to improve society so the class divide isn’t always wide. Do you think our society is moving closer in the gap between classes or still wide in cities? Great piece though!

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