What’s the Plan?

Dina Kasiri’s blog shows how important it is for a business to plan ahead. A lack of planning for environmental disasters can cause businesses to go out of business. I agree with Dina’s point that it is vital for a business to plan for such events, so that they can come out of these difficult situations with some direction.

Small businesses in New York are realizing the importance of planning, and there has been a large rise in the demand for weather disaster planning. Small companies understand that they can not close down during the winter, just due to bad weather, as it is not financially sufficient for them to do so. That is why coming up with ideas for how they can operate during this weather is becoming of greater importance to them, as they have to continue providing their good and services if they want to avoid closing down. Overall, I feel that planning for weather conditions isn’t just important in countries where bad weather is expected, but also when these conditions aren’t expected. This allows the company to know how to recover from any scenario no matter how unexpected it may be. In countries where weather disasters are common, this type of planning becomes a necessity.

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