I struggled initially with how I should present my work. There seemed to be an endless variety of ways to showcase it. In the end, I wanted to create a web folio that was simple and easy to navigate. I briefly considered creating a whole new website, but I soon realized how much time that would take.
I did my best to think about the web folio from my audience’s perspective: how could I guide their navigation? Present my work in a simple, yet professional manner? I thought about changing my theme, but I’ve become quite fond of it. I do think it works well with my blog and enjoy the simplicity of it. It has a neutral, blue/grey theme which not only suits my style, but allows my work and experience to shine through.
I chose not to include any past projects because I did not feel that they were at a stage to be displayed publicly. I felt it would be better to wait until I had fully completed to the best of my ability, then add them to the web folio at a later date.
The entire process was very meaningful and it made me reflect on all the work that has led up to this point. The Best Works page is a perfect example of this. It gave me the opportunity to look at each assignment and realize how it has contributed to my learning. For example, the letters of complaints assignment was crucial in helping me understand how to write with YOU attitude
As I finish up this reflection, I’m grateful that I enrolled in this course. As someone who’s only really had experience in scientific writing, I’ve learned so much about business-related and professional writing. This course has really expanded my writing repertoire and I’ll surely carry it beyond this semester!