Ethics are tested

In 2011, Qian Yefei wrote a blog post on The Sanlu Dairy Company’s milk scandal in China. The firm was determined to be as profitable as possible no matter what measures they had to take to achieve this goal. This determination took a turn for the worst when their product caused children to suffer and die from kidney stones and other kidney damage. The company was left with many challenges to try to fix this devastation. The question stands: was this decision to lower the quality of their product to increase their profit worth it?

It is unfortunate that many companies completely disregard the importance of making ethical decisions because they are so focused on becoming profitable. When money is involved, people are always blinded from making the right decisions that can benefit the producers and the consumers. Everyone could be happy if Business’s made sure they were running their Company in an ethical way. Business’s must understand how crucial it is to make ethical decisions so problems like this are prevented.

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