Valerie Li

Come Follow My Journey

Black Friday Madness

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Every year around this time, the majority of the U.S. tries to finish a majority of their holiday shopping because the major discounts offered by the retail stores.After the tragic incident in 2008 when a Wal-Mart employee dies when shoppers break down doors to start the rush of shopping,  (Read more:,2933,458744,00.html#ixzz16oUB4XO6 ) retails stores have tried to control this event, and try to become more efficient for the shoppers.

This year, it was the Friday after the U.S. Thanksgiving; and boy was it madness. Britt Beemer, who has tracked holiday shopping for over 20 years, reported the decrease of consumers using credit cards from 30.9 % to, 16.3%. All retail stores are trying to encouraging all customers to use cash and “shun” credit card shoppers. Between 46 and 47% of U.S. households shopped on Black Friday this year, the survey found, marking a new record and rising from roughly 37% last year. More than 14% of shoppers said they finished 90% or more of their shopping during the weekend, compared with 10.5% last year

The findings showed that discounters lost ground this year to clothing and department stores as consumers were a little more relaxed about spending.

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Written by Valerie Li

November 30th, 2010 at 4:30 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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