Business Ethics

This news depicted the scandal of Turning Pharmaceuticals, which happened in 2015. Martin Shkreli, the CEO of the Turning Pharmaceutical bought a company that made Daraprim, and raised the price from $13.50 to $750. Martin Shkreli’s action largely increased the patients’ annually cost for thousands of dollars. According to the updated news, Martin Shkreli has been arrested for fraudulent activity.

I strongly condemn Martin Shkreli’s behavior, and believe he violates the humanism and basic moral. Daraprim is a life-saving medicine and commonly used an antimalarial drug, besides Daraprim was also named on the World Health Organization’s list. Increasing the Daraprim’s price caused the impoverish patients stop using that and switching to alternative therapies that may not have the same efficacy. While Martin Shkreli has increased his profit to 500% in one year time, the old customers of Daraprim has suffered the unaffordable price.

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