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The Food Revolution

2011 November 16
by vanessawan

Many companies could include social objectives in its missions, but social enterprises are distinctive because their social main objective of their businesses. Their profits are reinvested in activities according to their social goals.

 Jamie Oliver has a big ambition of bringing a food revolution: saving American’s health by changing their way of eating. Five years on, James Oliver’s restaurant Fifteen is turning over £4m a year and has successfully opened three other branches – in Cornwall, Melbourne and Amsterdam. Being a social enterprise, their aim is to make a social impact for having all our profits go back to the registered charity (Fifteen Foundation).
Every year, each restaurant takes on unemployed and under-qualified young people and trains them to become qualified chefs through a unique Apprentice Programme.

 Their charity objective has added value to the company’s brand. The foundation focuses on training young people to love and respect food. Their approach of training young people can allow a chance of unemployed to change their lives, as well as the others. Moreover, the social business can continue as the trained young people will be the pillar of the future society.


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