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The Environmental Impact of Meat Eating

2011 November 23
by vanessawan

Due to globalization, the carbon emission has been increasingly tremendously. To curb the problem of high emission of carbon dioxide in the transportation process, environmentalists have been encouraging companies to sell more locals food. However, it would be difficult for companies to implement this strategy in servie oriented countries.


 Referring to Andrew Winston’s blog post, just moving away from meat for one day a week is more effective than buying everything you eat locally. Data has shown that 83% of the average U.S. household’s carbon footprint for food comes from growing and producing it. This suggests why the global call for “Meatless Mondays” is gaining steam.


In my opinion, both companies and household should involve in tackling climate change to ensure effectiveness. Hence, carbon footprint of companies in the primary industry should be tightly monitored by the government. Companies having significant contribution on reduction in carbon emission should be recognized. It is of paramount importance for companies to take up Corporate Social responsibility to allow the country to achieve a high long term economic growth. On the other hand, promotion on the idea of sustainability is required to educate household to support products produced in a “sustainable way”.

Meat Free Mondays



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