Hopkins Achieving Purpose with His Skills


Let me make this clear: I still have a fairly hard time understanding Hopkins’s poems. I do however have a somewhat easier time understanding his actions, particularly his actions after deciding to continue his poetry. Him coming to terms with using his poetry to glorify God really struck me somehow. Looking through my Bible, I found a particular verse that I feel would really strike as important to Hopkins:

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

Whether or not you not you believe in a God, this verse still brings about the same sort of idea. Everyone has some sort of special skill or talent that they have learned to develop, and that gift should be as part of your future. In Hopkins’s case, it’s to use his poetic skills to share God’s glory.

As for my connection, it’s with my own writing skills as I enjoy writing fictional stories with plans to at some point write and publish some fictional novels. I’m at that point where I’m trying to use my writing skills to create these novels that teach important lessons that I’ve learned throughout my life.

Of course, it’s not only restricted with writing as it states in the verse. It states the talent can be in various forms, so that opens the door for many possibilities and personal interpretations of one’s talents that can be used with would vary from person to person. Whether it be in sports, mathematics, science, art, music, speaking, wherever you talent may lie, you have the capabilities to use your passions and talents to achieve great things.

One thought on “Hopkins Achieving Purpose with His Skills

  1. I really appreciate your reflections here! And the verse you quote fits Hopkins’ situation quite well. I wish I knew more about why he felt for a time that he couldn’t use his poetic talent but instead had to devote all his time and energy to the priesthood. It seems so clear, now, after that fact, that he could use his poetry to express his religious beliefs and glorify God. I’m curious to look more into his biography and see why he felt that poetry would somehow take away from this.

    I had no idea you were writing fiction! That is truly something I have frequently wished I could do. I can write philosophy essay upon philosophy essay no problem, and can even do some decent literary criticism I think, but fiction seems something mysterious and difficult, beyond my reach. It’s probably not, but that’s how I’ve often felt. I hope your fiction work is successful and you can publish at some point!

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