Over-expectation on Apple?

Here we go! Let’s talk about Apple again, the super successful “Marketing Company” in high-tech industry. Yesterday (Oct 23rd, 2012), the topical company Apple released their new retina iPad, iPad mini, new iMac and 13′ retina Macbook Pro. They upgraded almost everything right after the heat of iPhone 5.


Apple – Introducing iPad mini

After viewing the intro video and keynote of those new products, I don’t find that they are really attractive to me and there are so many apple fans having the same feeling. However, Apple did put efforts to perfect their products. As the senior vice president mentioned in the video,  the new products have retina display that will provide users a greater experience. For the new iPad mini, it will be a very powerful, capable and simple to use product that is small enough to fit in one hand. The other main features of it are including faster processing, longer battery life and HD facetime. See, actually they make a lot of changes on the new product. But why there are so many people as me that we are not excited about it? My explanation for this phenomena is people have sky high expectations on Apple’s products before their releases. As this incredible company can always unexpectedly surprise their customers and satisfy their needs by the new cool inventions, gradually, people tend to expect too much on them.

Picture from: www.apple.com

It is the fact that a company have to keep and even lift the innovations of the products to meet the increasingly high customer’s expectation. Is is not limited to the design of the product but also the price and the length of its replacement period. As we can see, the upgrade of Apple’s products are quite frequent, therefore, a large number of potential customers may choose to wait till the next big thing comes out, which they believe will be closer to their expectations.

Let’s see if the iPad mini will hit the market.