Author Archives: Jon Festinger, Q.C.

About Jon Festinger, Q.C.

Husband/father/practitioner/educator. Faculty, Centre for Digital Media. Adjunct Professor UBC Law School. Firm: Festinger Law & Strategy LLP. Author of Video Game Law (LexisNexis 2005) & co-author of Video Game Law 2nd Edition (LexisNexis 2012). Twitter: @gamebizlaw

Lawrence Lessig on “Law & Justice in a Digital Age” – Feb.19, 2013

Lawrence Lessig gave an extraordinary public lecture on Tuesday February 19, 2013. All the more poignant given the significance of Prof. Lessig’s work on digital law and his personal connections with Aaron Swartz.

Here are the details:

“Harvard Law School will host a public lecture, “Aaron’s Laws,” by Lawrence Lessig on the occasion of his appointment as the Roy L. Furman Professor of Law and Leadership.

In the wake of the tragic death of social activist Aaron Swartz, many, including some in Washington, are asking how the law should respond. In this lecture — radically personal, deeply non-disinterested — Professor Lessig reflects on the life and work of Aaron Swartz, and how that work might be honored.”

Worth mentioning that at 1:33:55 there is a terrific exchange between Prof. Lessig and a student that is worth reflecting on. It centers on the perspective law students should adopt going into their careers to make things better rather then worse given that the tools of the law can often be used for either.

Stream it below:



News of the Week; Feb. 13, 2013

1. Judge Dismisses Axl Rose’s Lawsuit (“Guitar Hero lll”):

2. Copyright Explained Musically:

3. When Video Games Are Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Have Funs:

Growing Up Or Just Getting Old?: David Cage is a poor figurehead for industry evolution – but that doesn’t make his arguments invalid:

5. Issues Gamers Should Think About:

6. Court clarifies balance between copyright and freedom of expression in the UK:

7. Peer Progress and Regulation 2.0:

8. Lawsuit Over Video Game Rights Might Kill The NCAA But Not The System:

9. A Court Is About To Determine The Fate Of Software Patents And The Implications Are Massive:

10. The IPKat: Australian High Court says that Google Adwords is neutral:

11. Technology & Marketing Law Blog: Newspaper Not Liable for Moderated Online Reader Comments–Gains v. Romkey:

12. EFF to defend against troll with “podcasting patent”—granted in 2012:

13. Everything Is Infringement:

14. List of IP paper downloads on Written Description:

15. JFK Space Center Plans Angry Birds Exhibit for Spring:

And in the not really relevant category:

16. Judge rules that it’s illegal to sell custom Batmobiles because the Batmobile is itself a fictional character:


News of the Week; Feb. 6, 2013

1. ‘Spacewar!’ The story of the world’s first digital video game:

2. What is the government’s interest in copyright? Not that of the public. – Copyright Librarian:

3. Patent Assertion Entities: Six Actions the Antitrust Agencies Can Take by Michael Carrier: SSRN:

4. Something to look forward to, er, in 2013+1:

5. North Korean Propaganda Video Uses MW3 Footage, Gets Pulled by YouTube After Activision Complaint:

6. EFF to help defend against troll with “podcasting patent”—granted in 2012: Personal Audio has made a name for itself suing Apple, Samsung, RIM, and others:

7. Data Protection Laws, an Ocean Apart:

8. Microsoft Attacks Google on Gmail Privacy:

9. @gamerlaw: WOW RT @BenjaminCousins: Valve are the 4th largest bandwidth consumer in the world:

10. Edinburgh researchers first to 3D-print with human embryonic stem cells:

11. WHY AARON DIED by TarenSK:

12. Opinion: Changing the terms of the violent video game debate:

And in the not really relevant category:

13. Applebee’s Overnight Social Media Meltdown: A Photo Essay | R.L. Stollar:



News of the Week; Jan. 30, 2013

1. Virtual Superheroes Are More Heroic In Real Life:

2. One pilot’s mistake leads to massive battle in EVE OnlineA misclick causes The Battle of Asakai:

3. Five approaches to ‘good’ violence in games:

4. Little Evidence Sandy Hook Shooter Was a Gamer:

5. The Journal News Fallout – Limiting the First Amendment to Protect the Second: utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+CitizenMediaLawProject+%28Citizen+Media+Law+Project%29

6. Infringing World of Warcraft theme park built in China:

7. UK regulators fine Sony for ‘preventable’ 2011 PSN hack:

8. Pakistan Bans Call of Duty: Black Ops II and Medal of Honor:

9. ‘Persistently unclear’ Skype privacy rules need clarification, Web user groups tell Microsoft:

10. The internet is an ‘essential’ part of life, says German high court:

11. ECHR: Copyright vs. freedom of expression:

12. Right of Publicity Trumps Artistic Freedom of Expression:

13. Facebook ban for sex offenders is overturned by 7th Circuit:


15. Can you legally re-sell your digital music files?:

And in the not really relevant category:

16. Who owns the copyright on barristers’ advocacy?:

17. Yogi can’t bend the law for copyright protection – A series of yoga poses and breathing exercises cannot be copyrighted, a federal court judge in California recently ruled:



Resale of used games – consumer protection issue?

Hot on the heals of yesterdays discussions (both Jas & I) regarding contractual prohibitions on the legalities/cases dealing with the re-sale of digital property (as well as Michela’s musings on digital property – scroll down under “What is Your Take”), check this out:

German Consumer Advocacy Group Files Complaint Against Valve for Steam’s Used Games Resale Policy:

Any thoughts/opinions?
