We Welcome You to Our Virtual Conference….

The last century witnessed a significant shift from philosophical propositions to the development of a range of learning theories including behaviorist theories, cognitive psychology, constructivism, and connectivism. The learning theories differ significantly in their perspectives on learning and can certainly influence educators’ pedagogical choices and shape their instruction.

“Constructivist learning arose from Piagetian and Vygotskian perspectives” (Palincsar, 1998. as cited in Ruey, 2010, p.707). There are many different perspectives that coexist within constructivism, each claiming some kinship to the theory. However, all these perspectives seem to be committed to the general view in which learners can learn actively and construct new knowledge based on prior knowledge and that instruction is a process of supporting that construction rather than communicating knowledge (Schell & Janicki, 2012, November 1).

Presentation Objective: 

In our virtual conference presentation, we focus on four areas:

  • The principles of the constructivist.
  • The application of constructivism in the e-setting environment.
  • The implications of using the theory in practice.
  • The future of constructivism.

Welcome Video:

Please watch the following video to guide you throughout the presentation:

Guidelines & Instructions

Our group has set some activities based on the theory to approach this week’s topic.

Please follow the these instructions to work through our presentation:

    • Click on the above tabs in order.
    • Each page will feature an activity or a discussion that links to the learning on each page.
    • For each activity, you will be introduced to online web technology that supports constructivist learning. (You may need to sign-up for an account before being able to access the page for each activity.)
    • There are plenty of resources under the “Resources Menu” that you can refer to to extend your knowledge, and the Flip Grid has plenty of visual resources.

The KWL Activity:

In this first activity, the aims are to:

  • Activate your prior knowledge.
  • Share your objectives.
  • Self-monitor your learning.

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