
You will be required to critique your fellow colleagues work in class oral and written, as well as present your own work for critique.  You will be required to critique your fellow colleagues work in class oral and written, as well as present your own work for critique. This rubric expects attendance at both critique days, otherwise will be considered below credit value or incomplete.  If you are not able to show your work because it is incomplete or for other reasons, please speak with your TA before class.

Critique Participation Rubric:

Levels of Achievement

Criteria Incomplete Missed Components Below Credit Value Novice Competent Proficient
Active Looking &Listening Not attempted Only attended one crit class or missed large components of class time or did not show own work Does not position in a way that engages with work, lacks focus in discussion Positions to engage with work most times, mostly understands details and adequate focus Always actively looking, detail oriented, shows consistency in responding to others Distinguished level of engagement with details of the work, listens to others the entire time and generative with peer comments, incorporating and building off ideas
Quality of Comments/Articulation Not attempted Only attended one crit class or missed large components of class time or did not shown own work Hard to distinguish relevancy or direction because of lack of clarity or purposelessness or attention to content While effort to communicate is evident and terminology and process adequate, at times can be convoluted and confused or comments are simplistic or sometimes irrelevant Delivered  appropriate comments that are thoughtful, insightful and reflective, articulating concepts and impositions relevant to artistic goals Exceptional relevancy that engages artistic vocabulary in a consistent and relevant way, clearly articulates difficult concepts that are thoughtful and considered to provoke intriguing questions and comments to the group
Respect Not attempted Only attended one crit class or missed large components of class time or did not shown own work Scathing for no purpose and lacking substance to back up, does not respect class code or lack of respect by way of lack of engagement Does not distract but does not exhibit enough engagement, lacks thoughtfulness Responds respectfully to other students remarks, respects class code and engaged in critique process Class code is respected, differing points of view are acknowledged, valued and seriously and generously engaged in progress of peers in class


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