Week 1- Introductions

About this course

Examination of current art practices and issues related to digital technologies and contemporary culture. Technical instruction in image and sound manipulation with an emphasis on the theoretical conceptualization of digital artistic media.

The general thesis if this course is this: the ongoing changes in our relation to images brought about by current technologies signals the emergence of a new, visual language. During the term we will investigate such possibility by attempting to communicate through images, to create a term-long image-based dialogue. This dialogue will revolve around the interrelation between technology and humanity, a relation in which -as we will see- art and images play a mayor role.


  • The general and main goal of this course is to introduce and develop a way of thinking and examining the world proper to an artistic practice.
  • Develop a personal visual vocabulary in light of contemporary visual culture
  • Gain awareness of the powerful social role of images in contemporary life

Technical instruction-

Class website.



1. What is an Image? What is the role of images in our lives?

We now upload and share over 1.8 billion photos each day

2. What is Art?

Prehistoric paintings

3. What is technology?

Films and scientists speculate about our past and future relations with technology:

Space Odissey 2000

The Matrix


One comment

  1. To me, I typically associate an image as a two-dimensional presentation (eg. image online, image of a movie poster on a bulletin board), however, I do acknowledge that that image can also be described general projection of an idea (eg. the image that a sculpture projects). However, beyond the use of medium, I think that an image is most importantly a representation and translation of a creator(s)’ thoughts and feelings. A image is something that is created, therefore, there is decisions and choices that the creator must put into the image in order for it to fabricate. I think that these choices, both consciously and unconsciously. are decided by one’s perspectives and emotions of the world. In our lives, images play an important role in both expression (as mentioned above), therefore contributing to a sense of communication. Due to the development of social media, and even industrial techniques like mass production in printing, these allow for a more pictorial method of description to emerge, which can be more effective than the pure usage of text.

    Art has a similar meaning to an image to me, a creative means of expression, only that in can encompass many more mediums such as music and dance (where I think that “image” may be harder to relate to). In class, we discussed what constitutes art, when for example, photography is such an easy media for people to access with the development of cell phones. I believe that art is a very open concept, and in a way, can only be arbitrary decided if it is art or not per individual. In VISA 183, I learned about contemporary art practices, some of which defy what “art” was traditionally described. For example, Yoko Ono’s “Grapefruit” is a book that consists of events scores. An example of a page has this text printed, “City Piece/ Walk all over the city with an empty baby carriage./ 1961 Winter”. I personally enjoyed this work and would describe it as art, however, I would be able to understand how people would not be able to accept this as art. Thus, I think what is art, can be a very open discussion, and what is most important is that the piece can resonate with the artist, and maybe some viewers (if it is intended to be viewed).

    Technology is anything that has been developed and is being developed by mankind. For example, a typewriter would be considered a product of technology. Although it may not be a modern example, it was innovative of its time. An example of a current technology would be our current series of iPhones, and a modern technology would be artificial intelligence, or the development of certain medicines.

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