Week 6- Summary and Next

This last class was devoted to revisit the main questions examined in the first half of the term:

  • What is an image?

  • Images understood as a way to apprehend and share our experiences and views of the world.

  • ‘Information’ vs. ‘artistic’ (allusive/abstract) images.

  • Social roles/ impact of images

  • Formal elements of contemporary technical images

  • Art — Freedom

Our main goal was to examine the nature, use and misuse of images throughout history with a focus on contemporary, technologically-based ones.

In the following weeks we will explore the new potentials of such contemporary images for expression/communication i.e. as a newly emerging visual language. As we move on the last theme of the course (Technology and Humanity), we will attempt to communicate our ideas and points of view through images. Every assignment will ask you to elaborate on the class topic through a visual work/expression.

Next meeting we will devote part of the time to look together at the works created thus far. In preparation, I am asking everyone to comment on at least two works of your peers. This is an attempt to remedy one big lack so far: a not-very fluid communication in our group. This will be an ongoing requirement from now on and will have an impact in your final mark.

Another effort in this direction will be to hold the class in my studio (B.C. Binning rm 207). The space is more informal and not everyone might get a sit by a table yet, we will rid of the computers in the lab which so far have become a barrier in that communication.

Once again, I remind you that my office hours are Tuesdays, 9:30-12:00. I am also happy to set up other times.