In the article above, it is talking about the business ethics a company should have. Companies should not be using bankruptcy as an excuse to do whatever they want, hoping that the company will not have future responsibilities. The article describes one company which was about to go bankrupt but still putting in large orders. I personally think it is unethical for the business to still place orders even though the business clearly knows that the it may not be able to pay its debt. Not only is it unfair for the creditors but it is also unethical in my opinion. In addition, in the article, it also talks about how insolvent companies are avoiding to go bankruptcy. Although the company not going into bankruptcy means that employees will technically still have a job, but it is illegal. I think that in order for any business to be successful, it must have good business ethics first. Companies with good business ethics not only create a positive reputation but also enables the consumers to trust the company and increases the purchases or trades.
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