
Where is marketing?

January 15th, 2011 · No Comments

When asked the question “How many items have you used to today that involved marketing”, I chose the answer “Only a few”, simply not realizing how many things actually involved marketing.

After waking up the next morning I decided to consciously count the things I used to get ready with, realizing very fast that around 99.99% (if not all) of the things I used involve/d marketing. At one point or the other, I chose this Head and Shoulders Shampoo over the Pantene one just like I chose to eat Fruitloops over Captain Crunch. In other cases, I chose the maybeline eyeliner over the cover girl eyeliner, not because I like the way it feels, smells or tastes, but in this case, because of the way it was packaged.

Regardless of why I choose to use the things I use throughout life, they are all because of the influence of marketing. Whether it’d be the packaging that attracts me, or the taste and feel to it, marketing is what makes it attractive enough for me to buy over any other substitutes for that certain good.


On another note, I was just asked at the Pit if it was okay for me to have Pepsi with my meal when I asked for Coke. I said absolutely not. I am a huge coke fan because of not only its taste but its classic logo and look (just for the record..), and if the Pit is not willing to break off its agreement with Pepsi and endorse Coke instead, I think I will have to eat somewhere else. 😛  I guess that is a part of marketing.. or at least a very extreme type of loyalty to the product..

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