
The day of .. LOVE?

February 7th, 2011 · 1 Comment

Whats one of the largest corporate inspired “holidays” coming up?!?! SINGLES APPRECIATION DAY (SAD day) aka VALENTINES DAY <3 !!

Recently, I just noticed how strong and well marketed this day actually is.

Let me explain:

I work at the UBC bookstore, and we’ve had our valentines day display up and going for a good 3-4 weeks now, and its STILL not valentines day. (T-7 for those lovers out there!)

I’ve walked into london drugs and shoppers last month to get a new tooth brush, and the teddy bears, hearts and chocolates were already flooding the damn shop floor everywhere!

If you go on the MM’s website ( you can actually customize your own MM’s with little clip arts, messages and even pictures! They then charge you a ridiculous fee for shipping, make you buy a certain amount and then ship it to you well before this lovely day actually arrives. My friend got her shipment a good 5 weeks ago.

Popular “romantic” restaurants such as Cloud 9 or the revolving restaurants even have their “Valentines special menu”, which is really just a bunch of stuff from their regular menu, but with the price way hiked up and a complimentary.. rose? for the lady. Some of these restaurants are even all booked up for the night already!

What about the single ladies and gentlemen?

SPEED DATING is (perhaps) the answer for you! Even speed dating clubs have prepared for this day and are probably thriving off of the idea that not everyone in this world has a significant other to spend this day with. Their Valentines speed dating event has also been planned well in advanced!

Lets say, you just dont want to go speed dating, but you dont have someone to spend it with either? The idea of valentines day is just so depressing that you are willing to group up with a bunch of your single friends and spend a night out with lots of food and even more drinks!

Either way, its a win win for restaurants, coorporations, flower shops etc that day.

Well played Valentines day, well played…

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