
Got Celebrities?

January 25th, 2011 · No Comments

Did you know that one of the most effective ways to market is probably through Referent Power?

Tons and tons of marketing is done by using celebrities, but why? I argue that it is not because they have a certain type of power over us, but there is definitely a certain degree to which we look up to them, or would want to be them. Of course, if they use the product, It MUST absolutely, undoubtedly mean that you cannot go wrong with that certain product right?

Marketing using referent power could be seen everywhere; throughout the last few years, the “Got Milk” campaign got really big, mainly just by using famous people to market.

Similarly, another big company that uses celebrities to endorse their products is Covergirl.

I believe, if more products use Reference Power, it could potentially save them quite a bit of money on other types of advertising, such as giving out endless free samples, posters, commercials, editorials, bill boards etc. Of course, the product itself has to be good to begin with, have somewhat of an alluring edge, so when people come to try it, there is no negative attitude towards that certain product.

Along with the association of the right kind of celebrity endorsement (right kind meaning depending on the target market and product, the company also has to use the “right” celebrity– e.g. MADD would not want to use celebrities that have a record of DUY to advertise for them, Covergirl would use more hip and stylish celebrities) , the target market will more likely want to use that product or service as well.


Although the Olympic mittens were advertised quite a bit, I believe that if the producers got every athlete during the Olympics to wear them (holding all other factors of price, availability etc constant), they would have probably sold just as great. In combination with a few TV commercials here and there, and a free pair for every athlete, the producers could probably have saved tons of money on endless advertisements, commercials etc.

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