
A girls best friend :)

March 7th, 2011 · 2 Comments

Why do most girls’ eyes light up when they see tat tiny blue box with the white ribbon wrapped around? What is so special about it that could possibly change her “no way, not in this lifetime” answer to an “oh my god, YES I DO!” ?

Although it may “just” be jewelry, Tiffany&Co has manged to establish themselves as one of the worlds leading and most sought after jewelry carrier. The magic begins at the very sight of the little cute blue bag with “Tiffany&Co” carefully printed on. Once past the little bag itself, your heart will start beating even faster, your pupils will dilate and your breathing will be very uneven at even just the slightest touch of the carefully yet simply packaged blue box with the beautiful white ribbon wrapped around in a bow. Some argue that at this point, it is not really important anymore what exactly is hidden in the box itself, anything to be found inside will just be the cherry on top of the cake :).

What exactly gets girls (including me) so excited about this simple box though? I say that it is the really the feelings associated with the box that make Tiffany&Co jewelry so sought after. What feelings? Feelings such as the joy of receiving a sweet 16, “my first Tiffany&Co’s necklace”, to an anniversary “hunny, that’s perfect” bracelet to the infamous engagement “Forever and ever” ring. Feeling that simply anyone, any age could relate to. Once a brand has been able to establish themselves through the affective side, they are there to stay, at least for a good while.

With its infamous classic little blue box, Tiffany has been able to carry itself through many generations, and many generations more to come.


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