Module 5

It was great having some time today to come together with our inquiry groups to define our topic and break it down into some more manageable pieces. We set up a MindMeister Map to help us get organized:

Create your own mind maps at MindMeister

We’re all interested in the idea of social media and how it can be used in the classroom and/or school library, but more importantly, why is should be used. The process is still in its early stages, so in the short term we’re hoping to find some research or existing policies which may help guide the rest of our inquiry. The articles the group has located so far seem to support our theory that students learn best when learning happens socially and that social media helps expand that learning network.

Excited to see where things go next!

1 thought on “Module 5

  1. Great map! I do hope everyone in the class takes time to look at each others’ inquiry maps. What a rich collection they make! In my opinion, teachers learning about social media, for both their own professional growth, and for their student learning, is a topic that will benefit from concerted inquiry.

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