Success strategies for women in academia

“Women academics: Five strategies for success”

University Affairs (November 24, 2008)

Establish your geographic flexibility

  • The secret to success in the academic job hunt is relocation, relocation, relocation.

Women, particularly those coming late to academe as a career change, are often limited by their geographic circumstances. Their lives and families are established, and moving for work is often not an option. Yet many women considering academic careers do not realize how much this puts them at a disadvantage.

Find an academic mentor

  • Follow the lead of academics who have been there before.

Strong academic mentors are often key collaborators in the journey through doctoral studies and the academic job search.

In order to find the right mentor, ask yourself what type of guidance and support you need most. For example, do you want assistance learning how to research, and publish from that research? Do you need help navigating the structural processes needed to complete your doctorate? Seek out academics who seem well poised to help you in these areas.

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