A beginning…

by rebecca ~ November 14th, 2004. Filed under: Beginning Spiral, Ordinary Muse.

Human beings contain more water than any other substance, probably due to our amphibian beginnings…this is a quick thought I just created to explain why I chose Watercarrier as my user name, but that isn’t actually the real reason.

I have written a poem called “Saltwater Carrier,” based on a character in a Japanese Noh play, which I hope to post later for you, and that might also be another sound reason for the choosing, but it is sadly not entirely an honest explanation either. It is partly true, though.

I am not exactly sure why I settled on the tag, but I am more than willing to analyse it for as long at interests me…and I am already getting tired.

Maybe the most compelling reason has to do with family history, or family tragedy, as others usually view it (and as I did, too, for many years, since self-pity–as most of us know–is really a rather enjoyable enterprise, until one finally gets tired of the indulgence and decides life is actually more pleasurable without it).

Zoom in, sharp focus: You see, my father and four of my siblings all drowned five days before I was born. This event shaped me as a human more than anything else. In this sense, the name was chosen for me, not by me. Such is the nature of names.

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