…and another thing

by rebecca ~ November 14th, 2004. Filed under: Whirling Dervish.

As most of you know, and others will soon find out, I am equipped with a highly developed serial obsessive compulsive personality–which means I am “into things” (quote from the sweet movie “Jump Tomorrow,” but I hope not in the same pathetic way…).

I am just constantly studying, reading and dreaming about a few chosen subjects intensively before moving onto the next few chosen subjects. At one stage in the obsession, I always fantasize that this particular subject is going to carry me into my old age; for example, I once thought I would be making deep blue and green tile for people’s walkways, stairs, and bathtubs. I even apprenticed at Pewabic, a 100-year-old tile-making studio in Detroit.

That dream eventually faded (tho’ I must alert you that some dreams recur unpredictably), but I did meet my husband at a bus stop on my way to the studio one morning, so that led to another obsession (and that’s one that’s still going strong…!) That is another story to be told someday (if you haven’t heard it yet…ha-ha).

I wanted to tell you about my current subjects: 1) I am learning about the Ainu people of northen Japan and about their dying language. 2) I am also learning how to make scrollover image changes for a poem I hope to construct out of Ainu vocabulary (Huh? Please don’t ask, I am not sure yet either).

A few weeks ago I was obsessed with the rhetorical style of African American preachers and with immigrating to Canada.

Some may think I need professional help, but why rattle the fool’s cage if she is smiling?

1 Response to …and another thing

  1.   Lisa

    I too had a short obsession with immigrating to Canada. Were our manic sessions for the same reason perhaps? Probably not, since you are far, far away from that evil man they call “W.” =)

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