Busy bee dreams
by rebecca ~ May 2nd, 2005. Filed under: Whirling Dervish.I have been badly neglecting my blog of late, so forgive me. This is because I found something else to focus my energies on during this two-week break from my graduate studies. The problem is I have become so obsessed with my new project that I have even forgotten to relax during the weekend or over golden week holidays. Thank god my husband has been understanding and I still manage to play outside with my son each day, regardless of any obsession; running around outside each day is what keeps me sane.
I have been trying to gather together all the worthwhile pieces of my teaching career of over 15 years into some semblance of order for an interesting job opening. I am very excited about it, but I also am prepared to accept that, in the real world, someone with more experience, a doctoral degree in hand, or of the male persuasion will become the ‘chosen one.’ But I hope not!
Of course, I am going to try my best, as I am getting tired of not having one job, one home. I know, I know, it doesn’t sound like me. But I always said that when I hit 40 I want a place to call home. That is what I am searching for these days, since in a few years the 4-0 will be reality. This doesn’t mean I plan to give up exploring my varied and at times seemingly chaotic interests…I just hope to have a home base from where I can set off to explore the world, rather than continue flitting from place to place, an ephemeral butterfly and thus I could maybe become more visible to the world in a sense… .
So, please send me all of your most excellent job karma and we’ll see how it goes. I won’t say where I am applying, as it seems bad luck to be overly optimistic and too forthcoming at this point.
Oh yes, my husband has his music website up, so please check it out at pranatronic.com or use the link on this page to Funkiest Techno God in the Universe ;-)!
And email him if you encounter a glitch or wish to sing his praises!
More later! Peace out!