‘The Way’ to go

by rebecca ~ May 25th, 2005. Filed under: New Media Musings, Poems & art.

I definitely think both push and pull and blend of the
old and new occurs in the world, including art
movements. As mentioned elsewhere (God knows where) so
far I like Jay Bolter’s idea of remediation (revolt and
imitation as interactive forces in change) in his book,
Writing Space (2001).

Please check out this MUST-SEE animation of how
traditional art (in this case Chinese ink paintings) can
become something else when it goes digital. A
breathtaking work by Qing Huang:

For the work THE WAY.

The artist said this of his animation THE WAY: “…I was both
fascinated and inspired by this modern technology in
handling the visual components of shape, colour, light,
and form. This led me to the idea of adapting computer
graphics to capture traditional Chinese aesthetics and
to elucidate their underlying principles.”

Artist info

Huang, in my exaggerated opinion, blows the other ‘art’
animators out of the ocean, perhaps because he has a
firm grasp of the old and the new techniques….

Kudos to hubby for finding this work!

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