Stop the escalation of death

by rebecca ~ February 2nd, 2007. Filed under: Do the right thing.

March on Washington

Call your senators and representatives and call this man some think a president for a virtual march to protest troop escalation. Stop Bush from causing more death and destruction.

More information at

A recent search on Google for images of the people harmed and killed by this illegal war makes me feel even more compelled to try and stop this madness.

Violence begets violence. Peace begets peace. Love begets love. Simple. Now help us to give real hope to the people in Iraq, whether for the sake of the American or Iraqi people there or for both, it’s time to stop a war that all started with sick lies and deception. Case in point: 15,000 Minnesotans have already been sent to fight this war in Iraq. 35%-41% returning MN reservists self-report significant mental health troubles. 1500 MN severely wounded. 165 were killed. Each day 150-200 more Minnesotans are being sent to fight in Iraq.

Read the BBC’s recent article.

25,000 Iraqi civilians were killed, and 37% were killed by US-led coalition forces! Many who have died and who are now in permanent suffering from severe injuries and loss of limbs are children and women. An estimated 42,500 have been severely wounded. Think of how many more are injured emotionally and spiritually by the loss of their family members. We can help to stop this madness now.

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