Shoveling snow

by rebecca ~ November 29th, 2004. Filed under: Ordinary Miracles, Poems & art.

I love shoveling snow, especially fresh fallen powder, and after the weekend I am sure it will be my main source of exercise this winter.

At least three feet of snow has fallen within two days, and every five hours yesterday I shoveled the car out and the building’s front walkway. I even crazily decided to shovel again at midnight last night (hope no one peeked out at me!), and now again I was at it this morning (and late for work, too).

When I shovel snow I think only of it and see only it, carving a small cave of whiteness around me. The silence beyond the scraping of the shovel against the pavement is supernormal. I escape from everything and everyone, except the falling snow and me.

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