What the BLEEP do we know?

by rebecca ~ August 1st, 2005. Filed under: New Media Musings, Reading Minds, Space is the Place.

I finally had the chance to sit down and watch a film I had read about in my New Media class discussions.: What the BLEEP do we know?, which is a sort of self-help film but also a film about quantum physics, too, and I liked it, and this is not without a critical eye, but because it talks about tough things: like victimization, the cycle of negativity, and how we could be following the path inward toward knowing who we are as humans. Such things not normally talked about in mainstream media or societies these days. Of course, the film simplifies it (108 minutes cannot explain a human life at all), but at least it draws us to question how we accept our lives as ‘fate’ and asks us to become more active in our designing.

It wasn’t a film anyone entrenched firmly in any one organized religion would like because it questions the static and rule-based limitations these religions use. It puts responsibility and action and agency square back into human hands, and says we design our lives in concert with the larger interconnectedness of the universe; that is, we are creative actors.

I was most interested in how the human cells have receptors for chemicals produced in the hypothalamus, and as the cell divides it produces more receptors for those commonly used chemicals associated with our emotions (love, empathy, sexual desire, anger, self-pity, despair, or whatever) and less receptors capable of taking in nutrients, minerals and proteins needed for our health. Thus, if we continuously feel negative, our physical cells will create more receptors to meet that demand of a need for negativity–thus we fulfill our sad design/destruction. I would like to start using this idea to lessen those negative ideas, and my occasional feelings of road rage (this is obviously not a needed emotion, so why do I have it?).

Anyway, I recommend it to anyone who wants to touch on what quantum physics is about and to perhaps see how a new type of living could result from such ideas: here’s the link

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