Archive for the 'Space is the Place' Category

Soldiers of my mind

Thursday, August 12th, 2010

Thank God writing poems saves me from despair. All is well at 3:41 a.m.

Fight the power

Monday, May 17th, 2010

And why not fight the power?, as my son suggests above in his thrift store find of the month and his Linus shirt. Those in power are typically pretty boring, from what I’ve seen at a far distance…and they usually have horrible taste when they re-design whatever building they purchased for some horribly unoriginal business […]

Son’s First Song!

Wednesday, February 8th, 2006

T. composed a 6-minute song all by himself two days ago. It is his first independently composed song, though he has sung backup on other songs of my husband’s. A friend emailed me some info on throat-singers from Tuva (an independent area in the Tunna Mountains of southern Siberia and northwestern Mongolia) today, and reading […]

Ghost stories...

Thursday, January 12th, 2006

I had a dream a few years back that an unseen force, shall we call it a ghost?, picked me up by the back of my bed clothes, and I hung placidly in its invisible jowls. Such dreams seem so real, physically felt, and I am always wearing exactly what I had chosen to sleep in. […]

What the BLEEP do we know?

Monday, August 1st, 2005

I finally had the chance to sit down and watch a film I had read about in my New Media class discussions.: What the BLEEP do we know?, which is a sort of self-help film but also a film about quantum physics, too, and I liked it, and this is not without a critical eye, […]

New era of sentient things?

Friday, July 22nd, 2005

Do you believe we are entering an era of sentient things? Or has technology always had a level of feeling and compassion? Why or why not? I struggled with this q at first because I thought “How can we enter where we have already been?” I mean, as humans, we seem to have started with […]

Space chorus and spousal serendipity

Wednesday, July 6th, 2005

Chako Canyon sun dagger: from I failed to mention that Monday in the throes of last minute research for my Media 2 Production, I was looking at the juxtaposition of the word “Om,” believed to be the divine humming sound of the universe that Hindu meditation practioners claim to hear and the recent science […]

The Earth hums and spins

Monday, July 4th, 2005

Hi all, sorry for the silence! My absence from this blog can readily be explained: In two weeks I have given a public lecture, survived an interview, traveled to Hakodate and Tokyo, attended an intercultural studies conference, tended to my son who had a high fever all last week, had our car die from as […]

Marigolds and Jimi Hendrix

Thursday, May 12th, 2005

This week, I rented a documentary film about the 1969 Woodstock Festival. I couldn’t imagine being there with 500,000 people on a pig farm, as I am not a fan of mud, porta-potties, or of large crowds, ever since I was made permanently clausterphobic when Tracy Earl sat on top of me in a tree […]

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