My comment on Jie Sun’s blog :Microsoft Is Giving Away Its Office 365 Mobile Apps

After reading the comment of Jie Sun, I agree and also disagree with it.

The Office 365 Mobile Apps has been given away, which is unfair to those customers who has paid for it. We all know that this is not cheap. Maybe Microsoft wants to choose the cost leadership  strategy, but The free Office will decrease the customer loyalty.

On the other side,  Jie Sun said that it is in convenient to use mobile phones and ipads. I hold the different opinion. Most computers are too big and heavy . It’s  hard for people to bring them to everywhere.  However, these ipads are different. They have less sizes but more functions. What’s more ,there are more people who haven’t paid  the fee than those who have paid. Consequently, Microsoft should choose the majority of market segment and ignore the emotion of old consumers.


Mexico Pulls High-Speed Train Contract From China-Led Group

According to the passage, I think there are something need to be improved about the companies in China. Although I am a Chinese, I know that China just copies most of things but not creates something. Due to this fact , Mexico government cancelled the contact. This is really a negative effect  for the economic development of China. We can also find another problem:The only countries that will even entertain Chinese offers are those with poor domestic legal systems and lots of corruption since in the western world. The Chinese companies would be liable to being sued by the Western companies that built and patented the original products which the Chinese stole without paying .


When taking about the article Tsilhqot’in set to declare site of New Prosperity mine a tribal park , we find that the  Taseko company could not get the access of mine in the tribal  park.In fact, it will have a huge effect on the Taseko business model .We know that there are four main points about the external facts of changing the business model : key trends ,market forces, industry forces and macro economic forces .For example , Sinopac,the Chinese oil company, met the same situation as Taseko did .Sinopack wanted to get the resource of oil in the western part of China due to the fact that the resource under the sea near Dalian has become  insufficient .But we know that there are many  minorities in the west of China ,they just defend the  aggression of oil from Sinopac .Consequently, there are many changes in Sinopac .Firstly ,without sufficient input ,Sinopac will decrease many important social -economic trends ,which will have a great effect on the Chinese market :the supply goes down ,causing the price of equilibrium goes up .All these factors lead the demand of consumers to a low level .What’s more, it will even make the mess in the global markets because China is one of the main suppliers in the world ,which will cause that the world price of oil will be out of control. Eventually, Sinopac should find some efficient solutions such as shift into other  energy production.With the development of technology , many companies can produce a lot of substitutes  such as  electricity . This new energy is more echo -friendly and it can prevent the impact between Sinopac and minorities. In conclusion ,external factors effect the business model and business strategies a lot of one enterprise.

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What are brands for?

According to the article, the author holds the opinion that the brand is one of the  most significant and important factors to enrich the companies and enterprises .Even brands are more valuable than assets and productions itself .What’s more , many people think that the value of brands are going down because the huge change of the whole society will make consumers recognize the quality and reputation of goods difficultly while some experts assert that the value will stay constant or even increase. Why? The author gives two main reasons. Firstly, usually consumers are lazy and only few of them will scrutinize the evaluation of other buyers .Secondly, without many useful and convenient methods ,buyers can only choose to trust the popular brand and pay attention to the reputation of brand . From my point of view, the brand of company is important in both history and present and I learn a lot from this article.

How the crypto-currency could become the internet of money

 I find myself leaning towards bitcoin. Some one mentioned in one of the earlier comments that it is proof of work. And I believe that you ‘really’ dont need countries to back your currencies.(right now we do, but bitcoin can change that). Anything which people perceive has a value, can be used as a legitimate currency. The most important thing here to understand is that it will eliminate.. Or at least reduce the number of middle men…and this will keep bringing in more users… Thus a valid currency if enough people start believing in it… But for that to happen it might take long.. Plus the unwillingness of banks to participate..who knows if it will survive or not, but it has prospects .

Right cause, wrong battle

According to the passage ,the leader of World Bank ,Jim Kim wants to improve the gay rights .Due to this fact, he used the bank as a kind of political tools ,which would baffle the development of economy . There three main reasons: First, it seems capricious. Uganda is hardly the only country with anti-gay laws on the books; nor is it the only one to have recently toughened its anti-gay stance.Second, the stress on gay rights itself seems arbitrary. Of the many forms of bigotry the bank could battle, it is not clear that anti-gay laws are the most harmful to the poor. Third, his approach is likely to backfire.

The clock is ticking toward an Argentine default

According to the article ,the author asserted that Argentina enterprises should pay back the debt from other countries , or it will lose a lot .From my point of view , the government of Argentina have the responsibility to supervise these trustless enterprises. It is a kind of problem related to social responsibility and ethic .If Argentina enterprises do not take some actions to apologize to other countries .I t will be a negative effect  on reputation and no business organization are willing to cooperation with them . We should not waste others’ trusty.