Today, I saw “The Day the Earth Stood Still.” The plot of the movie revolves around a hostile alien invasion threatening to wipe out the human race. The only aspect of the movie that I mildly liked did not get on my nerves are the social commentaries: we should be more aware of the earth (global warming, endangered species, etc); and how, in a time of crisis Bush’s lack of leadership would mean he’d be useless and safely bunkered somewhere while Kathy Bates is left to “represent mankind” (direct quote from the movie). However, these messages were so blatantly obvious, a more subtle attempt of delivery would be for a monkey to spontaneously fall from the sky, land on and incessantly smack your head while waving banners containing the above messages.
The worst part of the movie is definitely that whiny, annoying little kid. While the first Star Wars had Jar Jar Binks to blame for its demise, this movie’s honor is bestowed upon little Jacob, who has some major daddy issues. While I’m not faulting little Jacob for having issues, I feel that if a hostile alien invasion is threatening to wipe out our existence, there may be higher priorities. For example, I am not a big fan of Mondays, but, if an alien attack were to occur on a Monday, I’d probably put my grievances aside, and focus on survival…and unlike little Jacob, I wouldn’t be overacting while doing so.
When the deadly alien locust finally descends upon, and ends little Jacob’s existence, I saw hope. I was fully aware there may be only 10 minutes left of the movie, but I thought at least there may be a part of the movie, albeit short, I may actually get to enjoy. Needless to say, I was more than a little disappointed when Keanu decided to revive Jacob.
I was just informed that the actor who plays little Jacob is the son of Will Smith. Well, if there is ever a better example of why nepotism is bad…..