Better Technology, More Trouble

October 10th, 2011 § 0 comments


A sort of patent war has erupted over the IT world. More specifically, the issues lie within the value of intellectual property.  The role of IT in today’s modern businesses is ever expanding. Today’s business giants like Apple, Google and Microsoft are all tech companies. Each are chasing after the latest, new and improved technologies to introduce to the public. Technological advancement is no overnight success, it is usually accomplishment of many contributors. This makes things messy. It becomes difficult to distinguish who did it first or who did exactly what. Further, contributors may be non-practicing entities, such as the Harvard Medical School.  The approval of patents for the new operating systems, new software and new technology has become confusing and largely ineffective process.

The effect of such complications is stagnant progress. Companies are tangled in the trouble of patents, law suits back and forth. One buys patents from another, then, one gets accused of stealing ideas. Innovation and prosperity is slowed down by the ball-and- chain known as patents.

This only goes to prove how IT runs our world today. When there is ineffective management of IT systems, protocols and development, progress is held at a stand-still.


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