Have you ever wondered what a student who goes to exchange to Mexico at the Tec university does on a typical Monday? Well wonder no more! I have provided you a specific case of a semi-typical school day for me. Enjoy:)
The hardest part is getting up. I’m usually up around 8 or nine, and prepare to leave my home by 10. Most mornings I have my boxing class . In this case of me writing this, I have to go to the center in the morning, so I have to be up in 6 hours. Yikes!
Breakfast usually consists of leftovers from the night before, or a quesadilla, or some yogurt. To be honest, I forgot to take a photo of this because today it was so good. Nopales (cactus!) with a Oaxaca cheese quesadilla, grapes, and two eggs with an avocado/tomato/onion salsa. Let us all take a minute to appreciate the food coma I was in.
And we are off! Bye home!
The walk to school is a bit longer than anything I am used to back home, so I usually listen to podcasts [ This American Life, America’s Test Kitchen, Good Food, The Splendid Table, and Ted Radio Hour are my regulars. Currently I have three glorious hours of THIS, the radio adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s Neverwhere. I don’t want it to ever end]. I’m mostly walking along a highway type thing, but I get to cross this awesome overpass, and get to see this view (the last zoom in the video is emphasizing where my home is, if you can see past the buildings. Which, you obviously cannot since you are not superman-video addition):
Some more shots of the walk
Once I arrive at school, I swipe myself in, and head to the gym.
Now, class. I’m taking mostly courses in English this term, with the hope of being good enough at Spanish next semester for Spanish courses. I’m in one Spanish class, Regional scenario of North America, Global Economy, and International Politics. Mostly electives!
I’ve noticed the work style at Tec is a bit different than UBC. At UBC I’m used to A LOT of reading, and not too much ‘homework’. A few papers or projects a term and a final. Here, there is just a lot of homework! Oftentimes it feels like high school again, and I wonder about the relevance of all the homework. But alas, it keeps me busy I guess. The second big difference is the importance of attendance. I may have mentioned it before, but if you are late, or don’t show up for more than three courses you automatically fail the class. No excuses (including medical excuses). So there is attendance taken every.single.class.
Today is actually my busiest days, since I have a lot of classes and activities. After I finish a class at 5:30, I rush to my….wait for it…..Mexican Folk Dance class! Also one of those free classes included with tuition. We have a performance in two weeks!!! AHHHH help help

Salsa class is way more popular so there aren’t very many of us heh heh. I’ll be taking salsa next semester!
Pull these dance moves out next time you’re at the clubbbb! Girl in the foreground of the video is having some trouble…can’t blame her….
Anyways, after my dance class I head to my last class of the day. Today, the teacher had forgotten her glasses so she was wearing her prescription sunglasses during the lesson. To be honest, I couldn’t stop laughing out looud! She thought I was laughing about the midterm, which we got back today, so I felt bad about that…..
Most days I don’t finish school until around 8:30. Afterwards, it’s always tempting to take a cab home (it costs me around $3.50 Canadian), but there is a free shuttle bus provided by the school that takes me about a 15 minute walk away from home so I try to not be uber lazy and take that. A lot of the time…the cab wins. My roomie is even better and usually just walks home!
This particular day, some amigos and I went for wings next to the school because it’s half price on Mondays. Wings for dayzzzzzz. And horchata of course. Horchata every motherfreaking day.
And there you have it! If I get home at a more reasonable hour than today, there is usually a delicious meal of some sort awaiting me. Then I’ll choose to do 1) homework/facebook/youtube, 2) retire to my room to read, or 3) go out DANCING!!!!!! Option three is the best option. Always.