Welcome! Thanks for dropping by!
My name is Saki and I’m a super special student at the University of British Columbia. I study in the Faculty of Land and Food Systems in a program called Global Resource Systems where I try to focus my studies on Indigenous Food systems and Food Justice. My area of focus is currently ‘Canada’, but I’m starting this blog because I’ll be spending the next year in the country of Mexico! This is why you’re here perhaps, to read about my experience living far from home in a country I have never been to (not to mention the fact I am not super confidante con mi spanish….).
I will be staying with a host family in a city/town about three hours north-east of Mexico City called Querètaro. The school is Tec de Monterrey and courses are in both English and Spanish. The goal is to be fluent by the time I return back home and also to be full of a delightful array of foods from all over the country. Perhaps maybe not Northern Mexico however, as there is currently a travel warning for visitors there. So if you’re thinking of visiting Mexico (come say haaayyyy), maybe just skip the northern border towns for now.
So what, you may be wondering, is the relevance of that photo of me above? Wrapped up all cozy when I’m heading to such a warm country? The answer is that there is no relevance you fool, I just like that picture. Moving on.
In case you want more information about me here is a list:
- I like to have cookies with my tea in the afternoon
- I especially enjoy the company of my family
- George Bernard Shaw got it spot on when he said “The sincerest form of love is the love for food.”
- I find Joseph Gordan-Levitt not only extremely pleasant to look at but also a very good actor.
- I like exploring places, practicing my kyudo, and petting dogs.
Maybe you’ll follow me on this journey, maybe you wont! Either way, thanks for stopping by:)
Sak-sak! You make me laugh–silently (I’m in the library). Can’t wait to read more updates!
ps. I like that pic too.