A Phone on Four Wheels

by Winnie Ng

Whenever people tell me about going on road trips, I picture the stereotypical car ride in a Jeep, speeding along the highway with the windows rolled down, and the radio blaring out of the stereo. But all this is about to change. Since partnering with Sprint Corp., Rogers Communications Inc. and Sprint have announced that they will be introducing Canadians to the first ever “connected car”, which will provide Canadians with Internet access wherever they go. Who needs the radio anymore when you can have a phone on four wheels?

By introducing this new product, Rogers and Sprint aim to expand their customer relationships and establish a new revenue stream as they satisfy Canadian demand for connectivity on-the-go. Rogers and Sprint have not yet decided on which car companies they plan on partnering with.

Although the public has showed interest in the product, car companies might be reluctant to partner with Rogers and Sprint as they have not yet set a price on how much they will charge for this product. Most importantly though, is the safety concern that arises when consumers are able to access wifi while driving. It wasn’t long ago when most of Canada banned texting while driving because it resulted in distracted drivers, so how is surfing on the Internet while driving different?


Trichur, R. & Keenan, G. (2013, October 1).  Wifi-enabled Vehicles Coming to Canada.     The Globe and Mail. Retrieved from