Comm 101

Comment on Nicole Lam’s Post: “Ikea’s Plan to Sustainable Car Industry”

Winnie Ng’s Reply: With many companies trying to create green sustainability, Ikea is stepping up and improving its brand image as a sustainable company. As stated in Nicole’s blog, “Ikea plans to install charge points for electric, or no emission vehicles at all its retail locations”. With the emergence and spreading popularity of hybrid and electric […]

Who Lost Out…Facebook or Snapchat?

Lately, the burning question that has entered everyones mind has been..who is Evan Spiegel? Only a few years ago, he came up with an idea to develop an app that combined instant messaging with pictures, with the hopes of targeting a young customer segment. Now, his idea has transformed into the popular app known as […]

Comment on Kim Domil’s Post: “Microsoft Removes Employee Ranking System”

  Winnie Ng’s Reply: Though I agree that Microsoft has been harsh on cultivating the best employees and “weeding out the weak”, I am personally a bit skeptical that completely removing the employee ranking system will have a more positive effect on the performance results of employees. The reason I think this is because I […]

Netflix Engages in “Legal Pirating”

  Not many movie addicts can say that they have never streamed a movie online. When asked why they do so, most respond that streaming online is more convenient than using other mediums, as it doesn’t require slow downloads or a bombardment of advertisements. Now, media streamer giant, Netflix, has admitted to the public that […]

Twitter Flies Up the Stock Exchange

Only a month ago, Twitter flew out of its nest and into the New York Stock Exchange. Many financial journalists and investors predicted that Twitter would fall short in demand, similar to when Facebook first initiated its IPO. However, Twitter has surprised many investors by actually soaring up the stock market, from its original price […]

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