Program Information

For more information about the West Kootenay Teacher Education Program, visit:


2 thoughts on “Program Information

  1. I’m wondering what the entry requirements are and if I qualify. I am most interested in the secondary option. I have a degree in electrical engineering from the University of Alberta. I’m also wondering when the application deadline is for next year.

    I have done a significant amount of volunteer work in schools and with youth.

    I look forward to talking to somebody about the WKTEP.


  2. Dustin:

    Sorry about the delay in response – we have been going through changes here at WKTEP and the blog has remained, until recently, unattended.

    For questions about admissions, it is best to contact our secondary admissions officer, Claudia Buffone at She will be able to provide you with information about teachable subjects at the secondary level. Applications for next year will open in October and close at the end of January. If you were thinking of this school year, your note from March was already too late for the current year.

    If you have any more questions, please let me know.


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