A Precious Concentration

Posted by: | April 19, 2010 | 1 Comment

It’s difficult to move along from all the wonder that occurred here during the official opening of the Woodhaven Eco Art Project last Saturday, so I’ve made the executive decision not to. It’s sticking with me, so I’m sticking with it.  I’ll offer a closer look at each contribution interspersed with news of the current […]

Our Launch!

Posted by: | April 18, 2010 | Leave a Comment

Oh my.  If there were a way to capture yesterday and seal it tightly in a bottle I would put a chain on it and wear it around my neck.  Here are the moments. Inner Landscapes  Natalia Hautala, Rachel Mercer, Tracy Valcarcel      Vocal Soundscape Virginie Magnat  Blue Darlin’ Lara Haworth, Nicole Cormaci photograph […]

Tomorrow, Tomorrow

Posted by: | April 16, 2010 | Leave a Comment

It feels like a birthday party or a wedding or maybe even a special surprise is about to happen in Woodhaven tomorrow. The Opening Day of the Woodhaven Eco Art Project is less than 24 hours away and there’s a buzz in the air with all that needs to be ready. Musicians, performers, writers and […]

  Regional District Press Release…………. A Unique Eco Art Project   A unique artistic endeavor is officially underway in Woodhaven Nature Conservancy Regional Park.  It’s called the Woodhaven Eco Art Project and is being facilitated by UBC Okanagan Creative Writing professor Nancy Holmes in collaboration with local artist Lori Mairs.  It celebrates the unique aspects of […]

Open My Eyes

Posted by: | April 12, 2010 | Leave a Comment

take my tongue to task, pin me in my tracks, forcing open the where of my ears and feet take me into this place with care, with memory, with open eyes” “Open My Eyes: Twelve Woodhaven Poems” is the title of a work by Nancy Holmes, Head, Department of Creative Studies at UBCO. The poems […]

  Saturday, April 17th                1:30 pm to 4:30 pm         WHO?  Nancy Holmes, Project facilitator, UBC Okanagan Creative Writing professor Robert Hobson, Chair, Regional District of Central Okanagan Local artist Lori Mairs, Faculty members Virginie Magnat, Aleksandra Dulic and Kenneth Newby, plus over 30 UBC Okanagan Creative Studies students and graduate students WHY? Join in the […]

The Vultures Have Arrived

Posted by: | April 10, 2010 | Leave a Comment

These are the good kind, turkey vultures. They’re the head of the clean up crew of the winged world yet they have such a poor reputation. I like vultures, at least the ones that come to Woodhaven I like, although I have to say I haven’t met many others. They soar on wind currents sweeping […]

Woodhaven Wood

Posted by: | April 6, 2010 | Leave a Comment

Some of you may know that Woodhaven was closed for over two years from February 2007 to June 2009. Concerns about the health of some tree species and for the nesting habitat of the Western Screech Owl were paramount in that decision to restrict visitors to the park. During this closure a hazardous tree expert […]


Posted by: | April 1, 2010 | Leave a Comment

         It’s April 1st and Woodhaven is open to the public. Seems like a long time since I’ve hooked the bottom of the swing gate into its latch knowing it would stay that way all day, I guess it’s been five months. What a delight to do it now! I am always happy when Woodhaven […]

Dear Deer

Posted by: | March 20, 2010 | Leave a Comment

  The Woodhaven deer are quite the crew. Yes I anthropomorphise every little detail of their behaviour, they feel like family at this point. I photograph them and keep track of the babies as best I can. I also keep tabs on when they come and when they go and sometimes they really go, if […]

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