Re: Decline In Global PC Shipments

A blog I found about decreasing in PC shipments around the world written by Tina Tsai was quite a shock to me. People starts to pay attention to notebooks and tablets rather than PC computers compared to several years ago.

As Tina had stated that “When faced with the decision between tablets and PC’s, by comparing the advantages each device provides, consumers will be more attracted by the tablets, hence causing the decline of PC’s.” Indeed, with similar functions, most consumers will chose to buy tablets instead of PC’s due to its low price and grace appearance. Meanwhile, notebook such as macbook and air, not only have the same function of PC but also more convenient.

However, as for my own perspectives, lack of innovation is one of the reasons why PC industry suffers such dilemma. Specifically, we are already in an information and technology ear, if PCs not change themselves, the last thing that we cannot deny for them is disappearing. Moreover, PC has to open a new area by finding another consumer market and redefining self value.

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