Stop Nestle extracting B.C.’s water


I personally believe that a long-term business can achieve success by reaching agreements with the community, suppliers, etc. None of them can do a stand-alone operation.

Here is an example about a company did not perform the social responsibilities. Nestle, as the largest employers in the District of Hope in B.C., withdrawals the million of litres of water from the wells in Hope and did not report to the local government. Beyond that, since there is not groundwater regulation in B.C., Nestle Company pays nothing and charges costumers $1.19 for each bottle of water. Its behavior is not only causing the water shortage in Hope, but also deceives customers in order to earn a lot of profit by selling free water.

Nestle ignores its social responsibility for the pursuit of interests. However, government, community and company should have a good cooperation to reach their benefit separately. I would suggest that the government of B.C. and the community in Hope should work out the regulations to protect the groundwater. Nestle should actively collaborates with communities to make up the loss.

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