Steve Jobs: Icon of the Digital World

“Think Different”. It changed the world and Steve Jobs became the icon of digital world. This motto the ideologies of the Apple Company, and one of those is predicting and directing the taste of customers, or “innovation” in another word, which also became one of the most important elements of Jobs’s success.


What features do customers need exactly?  Beautiful design? Faster speed? Or the apps? No one can really tell. Steve Jobs simply created products that customers want to use, which could direct the main stream easily. Take the screen of iPhone as an example: it was an Apple’s innovation that using glass as iPhone’s screen material instead of plastic. Almost no customers considered that before but it became the preference of buyers.


This ideology contains the advantage that conquering the market primarily, and then other companies would be too late. This innovation also applied to the unique iTunes and the appstore that combines the CD sale with the music player. This special idea made profits for Apple Company.

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