Government Shutdown: When is the end?

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Regarding to the recent news about United States federal government shutdown, the country’s economy was also strongly affected from various aspects besides the serious influence on the country and its security, such as:

1) “…about 800,000 federal employees were indefinitely furloughed without pay, while another 1.3 million were required to report to work without pay until an appropriations bill is passed or their function is no longer excepted.” (“United states federal,” 2013)

2) Departments were also furloughed. For instance, museums would  experience a rapid drop of the income from passengers, as tickets could not be sold.

3) As thousands of operations were seriously influenced, passports and visa were also the necessities whereas in this case, they were also furloughed and would cause problems, for example, the incapability for investments.

4) Falling stock markets were indeed inevitable. At the same time, national oil price fell which induced another obstacle to United States as the country relied a lot on the selling of oil.

Etc. Photo via

Zhangxinyi Hou, another COMM 101 student, also wrote about this shutdown (site: She reflected that there would be falling of stock price and some immediate effects, such as the closing of national parks and museums. I agree what she wrote and by combining, I believe the significant negative effect of this shutdown has not only affected the country’s economic trend but also the living standard of citizens. If the shutdown continues and last for weeks, the United States would usher a serious consequence.


United states federal government shutdown of 2013. (2013, 08 08). Retrieved from

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